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Help required - Unable to delete existing app in free plan #292

Closed santushet closed 7 months ago

santushet commented 7 months ago

Hi, I am trying to delete app 'onlinepay' from Boxfuse but it is giving following error. Since my AWS account is locked due to some issues, I do not have access to change permissions in AWS.

Destroying onlinepay ... Destroy failed: The IAM role with ARN arn:aws:iam::561921642436:role/boxfuse-user doesn't have enough permissions for Boxfuse to be able to deploy/undeploy your app => correct your IAM role policy document to allow at least the following permissions: {"Version": "2012-10-17","Statement":[ {"Sid":"allow","Effect":"Allow","Resource":["*"],"Action":[ "ec2:*","ebs:*","kms:*","elasticloadbalancing:*","autoscaling:*","rds:*","cloudwatch:*","logs:*","route53:*","acm:*", "iam:*InstanceProfile*","iam:*Role*"]}, {"Sid":"s3AllowBucket","Effect":"Allow", "Action":["s3:CreateBucket","s3:ListAllMyBuckets","s3:GetBucketLocation"],"Resource":["arn:aws:s3:::*"]}, {"Sid":"s3AllowObject","Effect":"Allow","Action":["s3:*"],"Resource":["arn:aws:s3:::boxfuse-*"]}, {"Sid":"ec2Deny","Effect":"Deny", "Action":["ec2:*"],"Resource":["*"],"Condition":{"StringEquals":{"ec2:ResourceTag/boxfuse:ignore":"true"}}}, {"Sid":"rdsDeny","Effect":"Deny", "Action":["rds:*"],"Resource":["*"],"Condition":{"StringEquals":{"rds:db-tag/boxfuse:ignore":"true"}}}]}

axelfontaine commented 7 months ago

Unfortzunately as the credentials you provide don't have enough privileges, our platform can't do this for you either. Please check with AWS to try and fix your account issues with them. Sorry we couldn't help.