cloudcaptainsh / cloudcaptain

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Cloudwatch stop working after some time and not continue #304

Closed dnenadovic closed 2 weeks ago

dnenadovic commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, We are deploying Jhipster application through cloudwatch. After some time Cloudwatch logs stop writing logs from application. In that time when application is not writing in logs anymore I can write in logs with aws cli for example aws logs put-log-events --log-group-name {name_of_group} --log-stream-name {name_of_stream} --log-events timestamp=1720096628000,message=hello. I see hello in logs, but application after stoping doesn't resume to write to log files even after few days. With command boxfuse logs {instance} last message i see is "copy err exceeded buffer size limit". I suppose it is with size of logs, can i increase that size, or at least when that exception happen to make it restart cloudwatch or something like that so logs resume to work?

axelfontaine commented 2 weeks ago

The appender is open-source and can be found here:

Feel free to configure and/or tweak it to your needs. All config parameters are documented on its GitHub page.