Closed tansart closed 10 years ago
Hi Stilva,
I'm trying to run the jasmine test but it's failing because of this (I think):
requireConfig: {
> baseUrl: '../scripts/',
paths: {
"jquery": "../scripts/vendors/jquery"
shim: {
/*'foo': {
deps: ['bar'],
exports: 'Foo',
init: function (bar) {
return this.Foo.noConflict();
deps: ['jquery'],
callback: function($) {
// do initialization stuff
Is there any work around to solve the issue when the baseUrl is one step behind of the tests folder?
I'm getting this error:
>> Error: scripterror: Illegal path or script error:
- MyWebProject
- scriptsToTestFolder
- testSuiteFolder
- Gruntfile.js (with jasmine configuration)
Regards, Juan.
The paths in the configuration are defined with respect to bas url (and not tests dir). So in your example, path for jQuery would be: jquery:"vendors/jquery"
Hi Stilva,
I'm trying to run the jasmine test but it's failing because of this (I think):
requireConfig: {
baseUrl: '../scripts/', paths: { "jquery": "../scripts/vendors/jquery" }, shim: { /*'foo': { deps: ['bar'], exports: 'Foo', init: function (bar) { return this.Foo.noConflict(); } }*/ }, deps: ['jquery'], callback: function($) { // do initialization stuff /*
*/ } }
Is there any work around to solve the issue when the baseUrl is one step behind of the tests folder?
Regards, Juan.
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .
Sorry, my bad explaining.
This is the same config file that I have in my project
module.exports = function(grunt) {
'use strict';
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
meta: {
//package: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
src: {
main: '../',
test: 'test/tests'
bin: {
coverage: 'test/reports'
jasmine : {
requirejs: {
src: '../scripts/router.js',
options: {
specs: 'test/tests/*Test.js',
// helpers: 'spec/*Helper.js',
// host: '',
template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs'),
templateOptions: {
requireConfigFile: '../scripts/main.js',
requireConfig: {
baseUrl: '../scripts/',
paths: {
"jquery": "../scripts/vendors/jquery"
shim: {
/*'foo': {
deps: ['bar'],
exports: 'Foo',
init: function (bar) {
return this.Foo.noConflict();
deps: ['jquery'],
callback: function($) {
// do initialization stuff
coverage: {
src: ['mockedSrcFolder/*.js'],
options: {
specs: ['test/tests/*Test.js'],
template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-istanbul'),
templateOptions: {
coverage: 'test/reports/coverage.json',
report: 'test/reports',
thresholds: {
lines: 75,
statements: 75,
branches: 75,
functions: 90
templateOptions: {
requireConfig: {
baseUrl: '../scripts',
paths: {
'jquery': '../scripts/vendor/jquery'
errorReporting: true
grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jasmine'); // jgauna
grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint'); // jgauna
//grunt.registerTask('test', ['jasmine']); // jgauna
grunt.registerTask('test', ['jasmine:requirejs']);
grunt.loadTasks('tasks'); //tcampodonico-dpacheco
So, when I run it with grunt test, I get:
>> Error: scripterror: Illegal path or script error: ['C:/xampp/htdocs/deloitte/gen-test/backbone-example/scripts/router'] at
>> ..\..\..\..\..\..\C:\xampp\htdocs\deloitte\gen-test\backbone-example\test-suite\_SpecRunner.html:21
>> ..\..\..\..\..\..\C:\xampp\htdocs\deloitte\gen-test\backbone-example\test-suite\.grunt\grunt-contrib-jasmine\require.js:12 v
>> ..\..\..\..\..\..\C:\xampp\htdocs\deloitte\gen-test\backbone-example\test-suite\.grunt\grunt-contrib-jasmine\require.js:29
The router.js
file is located in the folder behind (We are creating a test suite generator, so all the files are placed in a directory inside the project to test). The structure's something like this:
- ProjectWeb
- scripts
- router.js
- testUnitGenerator
- Gruntfile.js
- package.json
- anythingElse.file
The idea is to test the router.js file running grunt test
from the testUnitGenerator folder.
Hope to be clear,
Regards Thanks a lot! jgauna.
Regarding the issue I was having 804f88
@jgauna, In your case, there are a few issues:
1 . In grunt-contrib-jasmine
, go to tasks/lib/jasmine.js
and make the following amendements (line ~103):
files = grunt.util._(files).map(function(file) {
// return (/^https?:/).test(file) ? file : path.resolve(file).replace(base,'.').replace(/\\/g,'/');
return (/^https?:/).test(file) ? file : path.relative(base, file).replace(/\\/g,'/');
This fixes the issue where requirejs is given a local path – which obviously fails in phantomjs.
2 . It seems requirejs doesn't like relative paths issue #550
, so even with the above fixed, you'll still have some issue.
Using connect
and express
you could re-route requests to localhost:8000/scripts/*
to path/to/scripts
In your Gruntfile.js
var express = require("express");
//within grunt.initConfig:
connect: {
test: {
options: {
port: 8000,
base: '.',
middleware: function(connect, options) {
return [
("/scripts/*", express.static(__dirname+"/../"))
Hope that helps!
do you have an example of express configuration in a gruntfile? I am a little sutcked with this!
Should I use ?
Thanks a lot !
Hey, it's finally working !
Thanks a lot for your help,
Regards, jgauna.
Am having a similar issue (the error is similar). My tests run fine locally in the terminal (though it was odd, that I had to add a trailing slash to the app
path) but fail in Travis. It seems the path app
is not translated in Travis.
this is the config in the Gruntfile:
jasmine: {
test: {
src: 'src/**/*.js',
options: {
specs: 'test/spec/*.js',
helpers: [ 'test/util/*.js', 'test/mock/*.js' ],
template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs'),
templateOptions: {
requireConfig: {
baseUrl: 'lib',
paths: {
> app: '../src/js/' //fails on local terminal without trailing slash
shim: {
'xpath/build/xpathjs_javarosa': {
exports: 'XPathJS'
'bootstrap-datepicker/js/bootstrap-datepicker': {
deps: [ 'jquery' ],
exports: 'jQuery.fn.datepicker'
'bootstrap-timepicker/js/bootstrap-timepicker': {
deps: [ 'jquery' ],
exports: 'jQuery.fn.timepicker'
This is the Travis error (full report here):
Running "jasmine:test" (jasmine) task
Testing jasmine specs via phantom
>> Error: scripterror: Illegal path or script error: ['app/Form'] at
>> _SpecRunner.html:21
>> .grunt/grunt-contrib-jasmine/require.js:12 v
>> .grunt/grunt-contrib-jasmine/require.js:29
Any ideas on what could possible cause this or advice on where I should look for the issue?
Add one more map configuration to your requireConfig
map: {
'*': {
"app": "../src/js"
This mapping only needs to be added for jasmine task. Development environment doesn't have to.
Thanks @cloudchen Still a Travis build issue (similar but different), but I no longer require a trailing slash.
Am still a noob with requirejs, but it seems that, strictly speaking, I shouldn't actually require the map
parameter, right?
Am still a noob with requirejs, but it seems that, strictly speaking, I shouldn't actually require the map parameter, right?
Yes, only this template needs it.
My remaining issue with illegal path errors was related to capitalization (tried to load Form.js, when the file was named form.js. OS X tolerated this error but the Travis VM did not.)
@cloudchen I think you should document this. map: { '*': { "app": "../src/js" } }
I almost pulled my hair out trying to figure out the reason for load failure.
In my requirejs config i had paths like
paths:{ "mainmodels" : "org/example/domain/models" //basically short hand paths to directories. }
and in my modules i was refering to the modules like this
/* module.js * / define(["mainmodels/BaseModel"], function(BaseModel){ //some code });
this approach works fine with normal requirejs but i had a hard time loading the "src" files with references like "mainmodels".
however, explicit mapping did solve the problem.
None of the solutions here really gave me what I wanted. I either had to load a dependency twice, or rewrite the path config, and neither seemed pretty.
I ended up modifying the template to simply load the helper scripts after require.js has been configured and now everything works as expected: the helpers will use the correct paths to all the source scripts, plus any you custom paths you define that are test-exclusive.
Check out the 0.1.9
release in my fork and if you like the options, I can submit a pull request.
Try v0.1.10 to see whether it is fixed
When testing modules that rely on paths config, requirejs would throw this following error:
Error: scripterror: Illegal path or script error:
I fixed it by checking for existing paths config in the requireConfigFile. If any, it uses the paths config in the outer-most require call (instead of the normal path):
This fixes the issue, but then fails when you have a mix of paths and paths config. Here's my fork