cloudchen / grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs

RequireJS template for grunt-contrib-jasmine task
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Requirejs build file #34

Closed korprulu closed 11 years ago

korprulu commented 11 years ago

If I give requirejs build file to requireConfigFile property. It will not read config correctly. And I found the parser only accept two style, requirejs({...}) (can be requirejs, require or require.config) and var config = {...}. But requirejs build file allow no require, requirejs or require.config in front of the brackets(more detail example). So, I add a getObjectLiteral function in parse.js for holding it.

cloudchen commented 11 years ago

Haven't tested yet, but it make sense. will try it soon

korprulu commented 11 years ago

Thanks. I had write a jasmine test task name parse_test in Gruntfile.js. Maybe you can try it.