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ExportUrlCreateRequest doesn't return the correct data #9

Closed TRiBotWillB closed 3 years ago

TRiBotWillB commented 3 years ago

The returned data from my ExportUrlCreateRequest isn't as shown here:

The example response contains files (example from url):

{ "data": { "id": "eed87242-577e-4e3e-8178-9edbe51975dd", "operation": "export/url", "status": "finished", "message": null, "created_at": "2018-09-19T14:42:58+00:00", "started_at": "2018-09-19T14:42:58+00:00", "ended_at": "2018-09-19T14:42:58+00:00", "result": { "files": [ { "filename": "data.txt", "url": "" } ] } } }

The actual response I get (From both the .net sdk and the job builder)

{ "id": "2c0f6d7f-d78b-41f0-9586-e7b9251b2c8d", "name": "export-1", "job_id": "c2f709e1-533a-4e01-a396-f264ecb6d47f", "status": "waiting", "credits": null, "code": null, "message": null, "percent": 100, "operation": "export/url", "result": null, "created_at": "2021-09-07T10:01:00+00:00", "started_at": null, "ended_at": null, "retry_of_task_id": null, "copy_of_task_id": null, "user_id": 53265780, "priority": -10, "host_name": null, "storage": null, "depends_on_task_ids": [ "84038476-e82f-414c-b9ec-0ca094f314ee" ], "links": { "self": "" } }

This means I am unable to download files as shown in your example.

josiasmontag commented 3 years ago

The example is from a finished task.

Your task is was just created (status waiting). You need to wait for the job/task completion to get the export URL.

TRiBotWillB commented 3 years ago

That was my assumption, but I am calling WaitJobAsync and it's not waiting for all tasks to be complete?

josiasmontag commented 3 years ago

It does. If you have issues with the API please contact with your account name.