cloudconvert / cloudconvert-node

CloudConvert node.js SDK
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Alternate Webhook Verification Implementation #117

Open kingmesal opened 2 months ago

kingmesal commented 2 months ago

I am running cloudconvert from within Cloudflare. I'm basically just pulling out all the types from it as the Axios client does work in the environment properly. Looking forward to the fetch implementation. All that aside, I wanted to share a code snippet for consideration of inclusion into the client.

The crypto library is not implemented in cloudflare and so I whipped together this implementation.

"@types/jsrsasign": "^10.5.13",

import { KJUR } from "jsrsasign";

export function verifyWebhookSignature(payloadString: string, signature: string, signingSecret: string): boolean {
  // Create the HMAC object with SHA256
  const hmacObj = new KJUR.crypto.Mac({ alg: "HmacSHA256", pass: { utf8: signingSecret } });

  // Update the HMAC with the payload

  // Get the HMAC in hexadecimal format
  const signed = hmacObj.doFinal();

  // Compare the computed HMAC to the provided signature
  return signature === signed;
josiasmontag commented 2 months ago

Thanks for sharing!