cloudcores / CuAssembler

An unofficial cuda assembler, for all generations of SASS, hopefully :)
MIT License
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An error occurred when parsing the cuasm file into a cubin file #6

Closed Liu-xiandong closed 2 years ago

Liu-xiandong commented 2 years ago

Hello, I am using CuAssembler's example.

__global__ void vectorAdd(const float* a, const float* b, float* c)
    int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
    c[idx] = a[idx] + b[idx];

The previous steps are normal. But when I tried to convert the cuasm file to cubin file, I get an error, as follows:

2022-01-28 05:55:42,506 -          - Running CuAsmParser.parse...
2022-01-28 05:55:42,506 -    ENTRY -     Parsing file vecadd.sm_70.cuasm
2022-01-28 05:55:42,507 -          -     Running CuAsmParser.__preScan...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 6, in <module>
  File "/CuAssembler/CuAsm/", line 143, in wrapper
    ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "CuAssembler/CuAsm/", line 734, in parse
  File "CuAssembler/CuAsm/", line 174, in wrapper
    ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "CuAssembler/CuAsm/", line 842, in __preScan
  File "CuAssembler/CuAsm/", line 652, in <lambda>
    '.__elf_flags'            : (lambda args: self.__dir_elfheader('flags'           , args)),
  File "CuAssembler/CuAsm/", line 1406, in __dir_elfheader
  File "/CuAssembler/CuAsm/", line 38, in setToDefaultInsAsmDict
    fname = Config.getDefaultInsAsmReposFile(self.__mSMVersion.getVersionNumber())
  File "/CuAssembler/CuAsm/", line 52, in getDefaultInsAsmReposFile
    raise IOError('File %s not found!' % repos_name)
OSError: File DefaultInsAsmRepos.sm_70.txt not found!

The software versions are as follows: python 3.7 CUDA 11.2

GPU used is V100

How should this situation be resolved?

Liu-xiandong commented 2 years ago

sm_70(Volta) is not supported now.