The Pettersson M500 (500 kHz) mic is running as a HID device, and the M500-384 (384 kHz) is running as an UAC-1 device.
There are problems with the HID version, M500.
The detector Wurb-2024 is running as a service (wurb_2024.service) and the user is set to "wurb".
Then there must be an "udev rule" to let that service to access the HID device.
The rule is set in "/etc/udev/rules.d/pettersson_m500_batmic.rules" and contains this line:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="287d", ATTR{idProduct}=="0146", GROUP="wurb", MODE="0664"
Sometimes it works when the service is running with the root user, and sometimes it works after the M500 mic is detached and put back after 10 sec. I never works when attached at startup when running Raspberry Pi 5 and RPi OS Lite with Bookworm.
It seems like a hardware reset is needed before it can start working, but there is no obvious workaround for this. I'm confused...
The Pettersson M500 (500 kHz) mic is running as a HID device, and the M500-384 (384 kHz) is running as an UAC-1 device. There are problems with the HID version, M500.
The detector Wurb-2024 is running as a service (wurb_2024.service) and the user is set to "wurb". Then there must be an "udev rule" to let that service to access the HID device. The rule is set in "/etc/udev/rules.d/pettersson_m500_batmic.rules" and contains this line: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="287d", ATTR{idProduct}=="0146", GROUP="wurb", MODE="0664"
Sometimes it works when the service is running with the root user, and sometimes it works after the M500 mic is detached and put back after 10 sec. I never works when attached at startup when running Raspberry Pi 5 and RPi OS Lite with Bookworm.
It seems like a hardware reset is needed before it can start working, but there is no obvious workaround for this. I'm confused...