cloudera-labs / cloudera.cluster

An Ansible collection for lifecycle and management of Cloudera CDP Private Cloud resources on bare metal, IaaS, and PaaS.
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Notifying Handlers in Autotls Role is not working correctly #215

Open hadoopch opened 3 months ago

hadoopch commented 3 months ago


in roles/cloudera_manager/autotls/tasks/main.yml of the autotls role the fiollowing code is used if we have configured key authentication in autotls.

- name: Enable Auto-TLS
    endpoint: "/cm/commands/generateCmca"
    method: POST
    body: "{{ lookup('template', 'auto-tls-key.json') }}"
  ignore_errors: true
  when: not use_password
    - restart cloudera-scm-server
    - restart cloudera management service
    - restart cloudera-scm-agent

3 Handlers should be notified if something changed.

I debugged the role and saw that there is no status change (changed: false) even if TLS settings were changed.

So the 3 handlers are not notified.

ok: [cm001.cdp.lan] => {
    "cache_control": "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate",
    "changed": false,
    "connection": "close",
    "content": "{\n  \"id\" : 1546344839,\n  \"name\" : \"GenerateCMCACommand\",\n  \"startTime\" : \"2024-03-19T09:02:10.735Z\",\n  \"endTime\" : \"2024-03-19T09:02:28.496Z\",\n  \"active\" : false,\n  \"success\" : true,\n  \"resultMessage\" : \"Successfully generated CMCA and enabled Auto-TLS\",\n  \"children\" : {\n    \"items\" : [ ]\n  }\n}",

Furthermore there is no notification at all in the code if autotls is configured by user and password

- name: Enable Auto-TLS
    endpoint: "/cm/commands/generateCmca"
    method: POST
    body: "{{ lookup('template', 'auto-tls.json') }}"
    timeout: 360
  ignore_errors: true
  when: use_password

