cloudevents / sdk-go

Go SDK for CloudEvents
Apache License 2.0
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Support new JetStream API #1035

Open dan-j opened 1 month ago

dan-j commented 1 month ago

There's a new (well, 12 months old) SDK for interacting with JetStream, package It makes things a bit easier for interacting with JetStream so we want to use it in but there's a different implementation for the underlying message, jetstream.Msg instead of *nats.Msg.

It would be worth adding support to this SDK, but since our implementation exports both the Message struct and the Msg field, it would technically be a breaking change:

This new SDK also requires nats-server >= 2.9.0.

What are people's opinion on this? If interested, should we just add a new package supporting both and deprecate the old one in future? Any ideas on what this package should be?