Closed yanmxa closed 5 months ago
When setting the event transfer with structured mode by MQTT protocol. The content-type might be set more than one times, see the MQTT payload below.
... ctx = cloudevents.WithEncodingStructured(ctx) if result := c.Send( cecontext.WithTopic(ctx, "test-topic"), e, ); cloudevents.IsUndelivered(result) { log.Printf("failed to send: %v", result) } else { log.Printf("sent: %d, accepted: %t", i, cloudevents.IsACK(result)) }
{ "PacketID": 0, "QoS": 0, "Retain": false, "Topic": "test-topic", "Properties": { "CorrelationData": null, "ContentType": "", "ResponseTopic": "", "PayloadFormat": null, "MessageExpiry": null, "SubscriptionIdentifier": null, "TopicAlias": null, "User": [ { "Key": "Content-Type", "Value": "application/cloudevents+json" }, { "Key": "Content-Type", "Value": "application/cloudevents+json" }, { "Key": "Content-Type", "Value": "application/cloudevents+json" }, { "Key": "Content-Type", "Value": "application/cloudevents+json" } ] }, "Payload": "eyJzcGVjdmVyc2lvbiI6IjEuMCIsImlkIjoiNTVkM2NhYTktOTA2ZC00MDE0LWI3YTYtZDUyOTA3NjAxZTE2Iiwic291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2Nsb3VkZXZlbnRzL3Nkay1nby9zYW1wbGVzL21xdHQvc2VuZGVyIiwidHlwZSI6ImNvbS5jbG91ZGV2ZW50cy5zYW1wbGUuc2VudCIsImRhdGFjb250ZW50dHlwZSI6ImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL2pzb24iLCJ0aW1lIjoiMjAyNC0wNS0yM1QwMjowNTozMS4zMzU5NzNaIiwiZGF0YSI6eyJpZCI6MywibWVzc2FnZSI6IkhlbGxvLCBXb3JsZCEifSwiZXZlbnRrZXkiOiJldmVudHZhbHVlIn0=" }
So instead of setting the content-type in the userProperties list, we can leverage the ContentType in the MQTT properties directly.
When setting the event transfer with structured mode by MQTT protocol. The
might be set more than one times, see the MQTT payload below.So instead of setting the
in theuserProperties
list, we can leverage theContentType
in the MQTT properties directly.