cloudflare / Stout

A reliable static website deploy tool
MIT License
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Panic when uploading files #47

Open dani190 opened 7 years ago

dani190 commented 7 years ago


I attempted to utilize Stout on my Mac to sync my s3 site but keep running into a Panic condition:

goroutine 69 [running]: panic(0x2ead80, 0xc4205ee540) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:500 +0x1a1 main.panicIf(0x495420, 0xc4205ee540) /Users/zack/e/stout/src/utils.go:81 +0x5c main.uploadFile(0xc420414280, 0x4954a0, 0xc420472398, 0xc420201050, 0x24, 0x3339da, 0x2, 0x0, 0x3c, 0xc420626d50, ...) /Users/zack/e/stout/src/deploy.go:156 +0x863 main.writeFiles(0x333977, 0x1, 0xc4200177a0, 0x30, 0x3339da, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7fff5fbffcb3, 0x3, ...) /Users/zack/e/stout/src/deploy.go:201 +0x2d2 main.deployFiles.func1(0xc420378c80, 0x0, 0xc4201b9800, 0xc42043fe30) /Users/zack/e/stout/src/deploy.go:212 +0x7e created by main.deployFiles /Users/zack/e/stout/src/deploy.go:214 +0x121

My site has quite a few images and it uploads for a minute or two before producing the following error over and over:

panic: Put dial tcp: lookup no such host

2017/08/16 23:09:03 Error uploading Put dial tcp: lookup no such host retrying in 7.663438612s

The error uploading put message occurs on totally different photos.

Any help would be appreciated!


renandincer commented 7 years ago

Hey! It looks like your computer can't connect to AWS. Can you try pinging s3:

dani190 commented 7 years ago

Ya, that works. At first i thought that also so I ran a constant ping to and i got a few drops when it was maxing out my upload but otherwise it kept responding. I could not correlate the drops to the deploy stopping.