cloudflare / argo-tunnel-examples

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PR proposal: clarify host header behavior and directly link to docs #28

Open ryandellolio opened 1 year ago

ryandellolio commented 1 year ago

PR proposal: Provide direct link to docs and httpHostHeader example

Changes: diff in my repository

Filing this as a result of my experience, and opening this issue first per the contributing guidelines.


The httpHostHeader key defaults to "" per the documentation, which overrides what the browser sends and requires this key to be set for most k8s ingress controllers configured on a per host basis. Most k8s implementations will have cloudflared call a common ingress controller which, if looking for a specific host, as is usually the case, and the request comes in without it, will 404. Therefore, I recommend including the example.

(Even better, in the future, would love to see an option to preserve this header in named tunnels. A workaround is to directly attach cloudflared to the ingress service.)

In addition, based on the difficulty navigating documentation to find these parameters and, in particular, their defaults, I recommend including the direct link to those docs similar to the ingress doc link further down in the config.yaml example.