cloudflare / certmgr

Automated certificate management using a CFSSL CA.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
218 stars 40 forks source link

docs: building and readme outdated #114

Open ChrisChoke opened 2 years ago

ChrisChoke commented 2 years ago

hey there,

i did playing around with certmgr and cfssl to build internal CA for my homelab, and my first impression is : wow, what great toolset! but i got a bit confusing while reading docs and making own experience with certmgr.

Can anybody explain how to build the binary of certmgr with go tools?! i am using golang 1.18.2. go get is deprecated and replaced by go install. but go install only build version 1.6.5 how to see here.

since i am using the newest version, the "ca" key in my specs.json works fine and a deprecated info will show if i use the "ca" setting under "authority" like here: so is there a reason why it still in at the newest version?! it confused me while get started with this really nice peace of application.

i think the docs thing is not much important, but how to build can help me and other people a lot. hoping for a short explanation.


ChrisChoke commented 2 years ago

is it possible that v3.0.3 has some issues?! i downloaded the prebuilded binarys from the release, unzip it and tried to initialize the config directorys with certmgr genconfig but this is not possible. in v1.6.5 it is possible.

root@sslca:/opt# ./certmgr-linux-amd64-v3.0.3 genconfig 
FATA[0000] Config File "certmgr" Not Found in "[/etc/certmgr]"


i have playing around and compare some things with version 1.6.5. in version 1.6.5 in root.go:

and on version 3.0.3 and master:

if i change it to:

if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err == nil { 

the fatal error is gone and i can execute certmgr version, genconfig, help without having the configdir and configfile create before.

i can build binary with:

GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor go build -o /opt/certmgr -gcflags="-trimpath=/home/user/gopath" -ldflags="-X$(git describe --tags)" ./certmgr/

if i changed directory to repo's root dir.

so i am not sure if its right. my progamming knowledge isnt much great :-) because of that i dont know if i should create a PR.


okay it is not so much easy :-) after creating configdir and configfile, no command can execute successful

root@sslca:/opt# ./certmgr help
FATA[0000] <nil>                                        
root@sslca:/opt# ./certmgr version
FATA[0000] <nil>                                        
root@sslca:/opt# ./certmgr check
FATA[0000] <nil>                                        
root@sslca:/opt# ./certmgr ensure
FATA[0000] <nil>                                        
root@sslca:/opt# ./certmgr
FATA[0000] <nil>

that is not the solution alone :-)


ChrisChoke commented 2 years ago

can this a way to fix that issue?!