cloudflare / circl

CIRCL: Cloudflare Interoperable Reusable Cryptographic Library
1.22k stars 136 forks source link

Increase coverage of CIRCL packages #90

Open armfazh opened 4 years ago

armfazh commented 4 years ago

Test coverage is in average 78%. Some packages need more test coverage. Good to have unit tests that cover missing areas of code.

Report from codecov.

Files Tracked lines Covered Partial Missed Coverage %
abe 2499 1759 215 525 70.39%
blindsign 353 244 24 85 69.12%
dh 3441 2241 24 1176 65.13%
ecc 5930 5692 24 214 95.99%
expander 85 79 3 3 92.94%
group 518 431 10 77 83.20%
hpke 838 574 60 204 68.50%
internal 184 137 3 44 74.46%
kem 8 8 0 0 100.00%
math 1082 1046 7 29 96.67%
oprf 373 301 23 49 80.70%
ot 145 100 19 26 68.97%
pke 1344 1107 22 215 82.37%
pki 120 71 17 32 59.17%
sign 8343 5894 188 2261 70.65%
simd 60 50 4 6 83.33%
tss 460 372 29 59 80.87%
xof 19 19 0 0 100.00%
zk 247 174 27 46 70.45%
loganaden commented 1 year ago

I believe that due to security issues with SIDH, this should be closed.

armfazh commented 1 year ago

Let's re-purpose this issue for increasing coverage in general.