cloudflare / cloudflared

Cloudflare Tunnel client (formerly Argo Tunnel)
Apache License 2.0
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Cloudflared does not unregister lb origins on termination when running as sidecar since named tunnels were introduced #247

Open ffilippopoulos opened 3 years ago

ffilippopoulos commented 3 years ago

Environment: Kubernetes: v1.19.2 os: flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk 2605.6.0 kernel: 5.4.67-flatcar docker://19.3.12 cloudflared version >= 2020.7.0

We have a kubernetes deployment with 3 replicas that all run cloudflared tunnel as sidecar with the following arguments:

        - --no-autoupdate                                                   
        - --url=                                         
        - --hostname=<my-hostname>               
        - --lb-pool=<my-lb-pool>                                
        - --origincert=/etc/cloudflared/cert.pem

, where hostname is the name of a load balancer created under our cloudflaire account and lb pool name a defined pool. That way containers are able to join the pool's origins and the lb sends traffic down to our pods successfully.

The issue: When rolling pods we observe that the respective origins enter Critical state for some time until cloudflare cleans them. From the cloudflared sidecar point of view we see the following logs:

time="2020-10-14T09:01:34Z" level=error msg="Register tunnel error from server side" connectionID=0 error="Server error: the origin list length must be in range [1, 5]: validation failed"
time="2020-10-14T09:01:34Z" level=info msg="Retrying in 1s seconds" connectionID=0

meaning that because we are using the full capacity of allowed origins the new pod cannot be registered until the cleanup happens.

It looks like this was introduced at first with commit: and one could work arounnd it via setting the flag: --use-quick-reconnects=false This could work until version 2020.6.6.

The behaviour changed again here: when implementing named tunnels. As far as I can understand we cannot use named tunnels with a load balancer atm(?)

Changing our deployment to a statefulSet, in order to be able to set a constant --name flag per pod to test the above, results in pods crashing after logging:

INFO[2020-10-14T10:36:51Z] Tunnel already created with ID 817524d6-4c5e-4faa-8cbb-dd1e98d5d5fc
INFO[2020-10-14T10:36:52Z] Load balancer <my-hostname> already uses pool <my-lb-pool> which has this tunnel as an origin

Is there a way to use the newer cloudflared images with a load balancer and preserve the behaviour (quickly remove critical origins so we can successfully roll our deployments pods)?

ipostelnik commented 3 years ago

This is unrelated to named tunnels feature. The behavior changed slightly with introduction of Quick Reconnect feature in 2020.5.1. After disconnect cloudflare backend doesn't immediately unregister the tunnel in hopes that the same cloudflared instance will come back quickly. When you launch a new instance, there's a small period where both origins can be registered. This is causing you to go over allowed number of origins (5 in your case). This is what the origin list length must be in range [1, 5]: validation failed error means.

Named tunnels model is very different. We no longer automatically manage load balancer origins for you. The tunnels exist purely as a way to proxy traffic back to the origin. It's up to you to configure how traffic from the internet gets there - either via LB or DNS.

ffilippopoulos commented 3 years ago

@ipostelnik thank you very much for your response, and for explaining a bit more about named tunnels feature.

After disconnect cloudflare backend doesn't immediately unregister the tunnel in hopes that the same cloudflared instance will come back quickly

in regards to that ^ is there a way to enable/disable this behaviour to support dynamic environments like a kubernetes deployment? Or the only solution here would be to increase the allowed origins?

ipostelnik commented 3 years ago

We have new recommendations for using Argo Tunnel in kubernetes clusters - Instead of using a sidecar, you should deploy one or more instances of cloudflared configured to proxy to your service or ingress controller. We use this model internally as well.

ffilippopoulos commented 3 years ago

@ipostelnik thanks for the suggestion, I've tried setting up tunnels and using their credentials to connect via pods, but I found the 2 deployments solution rather odd and not a good fit for kubernetes deployments. So in the link you posted it says:

Create two deployments wth one replica each using cloudflared. Configure cloudflared to point to the service IP of the upstream service. Mount the secrets created in Step 1 and point cloudflared to the right path.

but that way you have multiple deployments for effectively the same app, so you break kube's automation. If for example you bump the cloudflared image via your ci, this will not cause a graceful rollout, but both deployments will restart at the same time giving your service a blip.

ipostelnik commented 3 years ago

I agree that having two separate deployments (rather than replicas) with different tunnel IDs is not perfect, but it works pretty well in practice. For your automation, you should define separate template variables for each deployment's version of cloudflared. This way you can bump them separately and apply the changes.

ffilippopoulos commented 3 years ago

@ipostelnik thank you for your replies, I appreciate the help. Changing practices for that seemed a bit too much, so my solution for now is to deploy a statefulset and run an alpine sidecar that will do the following:

            - /bin/sh
            - -c
            - |
              apk add --no-cache libc6-compat;
              wget -O /usr/local/bin/cloudflared${CLOUDFLARED_VERSION}/cloudflared-linux-amd64;
              chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cloudflared;
              if [[ ${HOSTNAME##*-} == 0 ]]; then
              if [[ ${HOSTNAME##*-} == 1 ]]; then
              if [[ ${HOSTNAME##*-} == 2 ]]; then
              /usr/local/bin/cloudflared tunnel run ${uuid}

Obviously this is not ideal but could work for now, so I guess you can feel free to close that issue. I'd be keen to watch any further development towards kubernetes argo tunnel pods to deal with the >=2 deployment approach and allow more flexible setups.

ipostelnik commented 3 years ago

@ffilippopoulos this is a great solution. We've discussed using StatefulSet, I'm glad it's working well for you. We'll take a look at adding this suggestion to the docs.

abelinkinbio commented 2 years ago

cc: @abracchi-tw