cloudflare / lua-resty-logger-socket

Raw-socket-based Logger Library for Nginx (based on ngx_lua)
488 stars 130 forks source link

support dgram unix socket #20

Open flisky opened 8 years ago

flisky commented 8 years ago

such as imuxsock from rsyslog

dndx commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your contribution! Can you please provide test cases for this addition inside t/sanity.t similar to TEST 2?

flisky commented 8 years ago

I'll try it in next few days.

flisky commented 8 years ago

Testcase added.

A known issue - the directive udp_reply is required, but we won't call sock:receive(), so the following warning occurs: WARNING: udp server failed to send reply: Connection refused

Is it acceptable for us? @agentzh, @dndx, Any thoughts on this?

geemang2000 commented 8 years ago


calio commented 7 years ago

@dndx can you take a look?

flisky commented 7 years ago

I think maybe @p0pr0ck5 intersted? Thx,