Trying to use this plugin for log into local server log files
like /var/log/messages' or in some custom log file apart from nginx access or error log ie /var/log/testing.log etc.
But unable to do this.
getting following errors while trying
failed to flush log message: try to send log messages to the log server failed after 3 retries: try to connect to the log server failed after 3 retries: connection refused
failed to flush log message: try to send log messages to the log server failed after 3 retries: try to connect to the log server failed after 3 retries: permission denied
Am I configuring something wrong......
local ok, err = logger.init{
host = 'localhost',
if not ok then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to initialize the logger: ",
-- construct the custom access log message in
-- the Lua variable "msg"
local bytes, err = logger.log(msg)
if err then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, ".failed to log message: ", err)
local bytes, err = logger.flush()
if err then
**ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to flush log message: ", err)**
Trying to use this plugin for log into local server log files like /var/log/messages' or in some custom log file apart from nginx access or error log ie /var/log/testing.log etc. But unable to do this. getting following errors while trying failed to flush log message: try to send log messages to the log server failed after 3 retries: try to connect to the log server failed after 3 retries: connection refused failed to flush log message: try to send log messages to the log server failed after 3 retries: try to connect to the log server failed after 3 retries: permission denied Am I configuring something wrong......
local ok, err = logger.init{ host = 'localhost', path='/var/log/messages', } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to initialize the logger: ", err) return end end -- construct the custom access log message in -- the Lua variable "msg"