But if you have a Dockerfile and you need an immediate workaround try:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudflare/raven-lua/master/raven-lua-scm-1.rockspec && sed -i 's/url = \"https/url = \"git/g' raven-lua-scm-1.rockspec && sudo luarocks install raven-lua-scm-1.rockspec
Update: Github now requires this in my dockerfile as they no longer support the old git protocol:
sed -i 's/url = \"https/url = \"git\+https/g' raven-lua-scm-1.rockspec
I made the same change and it worked for me.
But if you have a Dockerfile and you need an immediate workaround try:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudflare/raven-lua/master/raven-lua-scm-1.rockspec && sed -i 's/url = \"https/url = \"git/g' raven-lua-scm-1.rockspec && sudo luarocks install raven-lua-scm-1.rockspec
Update: Github now requires this in my dockerfile as they no longer support the old git protocol:
sed -i 's/url = \"https/url = \"git\+https/g' raven-lua-scm-1.rockspec