cloudflarearchive / odoh-server-go

Oblivious DoH server in Go
MIT License
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Security issues with cloudflare/odoh-server-go and the ODoH RFC draft #30

Open fransr opened 2 years ago

fransr commented 2 years ago


Disclaimer: I was told by Cloudflare after reporting this to them at to also report this publicly in this project. Report ID: #1544311 (Not disclosed yet)

You can also file an issue on Github for this project.

Background information

I've been doing some research around ODoH (Oblivious DNS Over HTTPS) and I've identified some issues with the ongoing and running project at cloudflare/odoh-server-go as well as some issues with the RFC-draft itself lacking important security considerations.

Due to the RFC lacking the security considerations, my assumption is that the project at cloudflare/odoh-server-go was written without any sort of protections for SSRF in mind, causing the current state of the project allowing full and valid POST/GET-requests with valid Content-type-headers to be made to any HTTP or HTTPS-endpoints, including internal hosts from the endpoint running the application.

First, I saw the article explaining Cloudflare's and's approach to add support for ODoH

In this article, there are three partners mentioned that are currently running ODoH-relays:


Technical description

If you don't know the concept of ODoH, the idea is that the DNS-lookup is made against a relay using encrypted data, which then proxies the information over to the target host. Since the payload is encrypted, the proxy doesn't really know what the payload contains. Also, the response from the target host will also be encrypted, so the proxy don't know what is being returned by the target and will send it unmodified to the client. This is all as per design.

However, there are no security mitigations for abusing this ODoH-relay to issue requests against other types of hosts, as well as internal hosts only reachable by the ODoH-relay. This means you can actually abuse the ODoH-relay for SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery). The RFC-draft specification does mention some restrictions, and I know you were a part of writing the specification together with Apple, so this is why I will also add some considerations to this report:

  1. Restrict content-type used in the request from the Client

    Clients MUST set the HTTP Content-Type header to "application/ oblivious-dns-message" to indicate that this request is an Oblivious DoH query intended for proxying. Clients also SHOULD set this same value for the HTTP Accept header.

    This is not being restricted in the cloudflare/odoh-server-go-project. Any content-type will be allowed to be sent and will be passed on to the target.

  2. Restrict content-type used in the response from the Target

    Upon receipt of requests from a Proxy, Targets MUST validate that the request has the HTTP Content-Type header "application/oblivious-dns- message" and uses the HTTP POST method. Targets can respond with a 4xx response status code if this check fails.

    I think this is not properly worded and is probably the reason why the cloudflare/odoh-server-go-project allows any content-type to be returned from the target. I would modify this to also include that the Proxy MUST validate that the response from the Target has the HTTP Content-Type header "application/oblivious-dns-message". This is not being restricted in the cloudflare/odoh-server-go-project. Any content-type will be allowed to be returned by the target and will be passed on to the client.

  3. Prevent redirects to non HTTPS-protocols

    The scheme for both the Proxy URI Template and the Target URI MUST be "https".

    This is not being restricted in the cloudflare/odoh-server-go-project. You can use a redirect endpoint on HTTPS to redirect the request to a http://-URL and the proxy will follow the redirect blindly. I would also add to the specification that The Proxy is NOT allowed to follow any HTTP-redirects at all. as that would prevent http-protocol from being used at all.

There is also a mention about some mitigations that the proxy MAY do:

  1. Ability to configure to block invalid ports from being used

    Proxies MAY choose to not forward connections to non-standard ports. In such cases, Proxies can indicate the error with a 403 response status code, along with a Proxy-Status response header with an "error" parameter of type "http_request_denied", along with an appropriate explanation in "details".

    This is not being restricted in the cloudflare/odoh-server-go-project and is not possible to configure either.

In addition to these points, there's no mitigation against using internal IPs being provided to the targethost (or redirecting from a valid targethost to an internal one) which is why we can confirm that we can read data from internal hosts. This is never mentioned as a security consideration in the RFC-draft. There's actually nothing mentioning the issue of the ODoH-relay being vulnerable to SSRF at all in the "Security considerations" of the draft. I agree that some things in the RFC-draft does prevent at least leaking data to the client if the content-type response of the target is not the proper one, but a request would still be made to the target host. I've mentioned these before as SSRF-canaries where you're able to make a request to an internal service that would make some form of DNS-lookup or request externally, which would help you fingerprint and confirm that you're able to reach the internal host.

  1. Ability to (or default always) block internal hosts from being used as targethost

    I would recommend to block requests being made to any internal hosts (where the IP-range is reserved for internal use). This could be configured to be allowed if needed, but should be default blocking. It also needs to handle redirects, so the attacker cannot redirect from a public host to an internal one. Here's an article by Andrew Ayer explaining the issue in relation to Go that might be helpful to understand the problem.


I've also confirmed that if I run the cloudflare/odoh-server-go-project on a EC2 without enabling IMDSv2, I can reach the internal AWS-metadata which could give me access to security-credentials for the running instance:

POST /proxy? HTTP/2
Accept: application/oblivious-dns-message
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 25


The reason why we use a redirect is because the targethost is always using https://-protocol, but the AWS metadata is only being returned on http://. It's also good to know that the request that is being made by the odoh-server-go-project is following redirects blindly. The request above will make a POST-request to that will response with a status 301-response which will then make the proxy do a GET-request to and will return with the content from the response:

HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/oblivious-dns-message
Content-Length: 285
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 07:36:21 GMT


We can also redirect the user using 307-status to maintain the POST-payload over to a HTTP-url. We can also issue legit POST-request to any host with the proper content-type that we want to use against the victim host:

POST /proxy? HTTP/2
Accept: application/oblivious-dns-message
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 25


This will make a POST-request to which will return with a 307 and redirect the POST-request instead to http://test-host:8080and send the same Content-type that was being used:

Connection from [] port 8080 [tcp/http-alt] accepted (family 2, sport 54481)
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
Content-Length: 25
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: gzip


Same with JSON obviously:

POST /proxy? HTTP/2
Accept: application/oblivious-dns-message
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 25

{"hello": "test"}

will make the following request to http://test-host:8080:

Connection from [] port 8080 [tcp/http-alt] accepted (family 2, sport 46026)
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
Content-Length: 17
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip

{"hello": "test"}

As mentioned above, you can run the cloudflare/odoh-server-go on an EC2 on AWS without IMDSv2 enabled, and then make the following request to the application, using a redirect endpoint as the targethost to redirect the request to

POST /proxy?targethost=your-redirect-page.example&targetpath=/redirect?url= HTTP/2
Host: victim-running-odoh.example
Accept: application/oblivious-dns-message
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 3


And you should get the AWS-metadata listing back in the response.

Screen_Shot_2022-04-19_at_09 47 16


I've confirmed that all three partners mentioned in the article are indeed running cloudflare/odoh-server-go at: (Expired cert, but service still works if you go pass that cert-error, run by Equinix) (Expired cert, but service still works if you go pass that cert-error, run by Equinix) (PCCW Global) (SURF)

And they all have the issues mentioned in this report. I have not tested any internal hosts on them, only confirmed that they are running the same project and that they are giving me back arbitrary content without validating the content-type from the target response, as well as allowing any content-type to be set in the request which will also be received by the target host. There are obviously more places this cloudflare/odoh-server-go is running that are also vulnerable to the same issues.

Proper mitigations would be to:

  1. Restrict content-type used in the request from the Client
  2. Restrict content-type used in the response from the Target
  3. Prevent redirects to non HTTPS-protocols
  4. Ability to configure to block invalid ports from being used
  5. Ability to (or default always) block internal hosts from being used as targethost

Regards, Frans Rosén

altano commented 2 years ago

Are these security concerns being addressed? Looks like it’s been a few months and I was wondering if this project was more of a proof of concept or code meant for production.
