Closed ghost closed 8 years ago
Last, sorry for the delay, CAPI is in an inception.
$ git push origin bd6fa28b15a9118d9954e40f3d2af5603a16ac11:release-elect
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
638c22f..bd6fa28 bd6fa28b15a9118d9954e40f3d2af5603a16ac11 -> release-elect
Concourse builds, GitHub repo, and release all look good.
cf-release Release Candidate SHA for v242: bd6fa28b15a9118d9954e40f3d2af5603a16ac11
Please read these instructions, as they changed on 4 Nov 2015.
@Amit-PivotalLabs, @JesseTAlford, @dsabeti: Does this cf-release SHA look good for the release integration team? Any bugs, regressions, or incomplete features of concern?
default: 4222
property@Amit-PivotalLabs, @zankich: Does this cf-release SHA look good for the infrastructure team? Any bugs, regressions, or incomplete features of concern?
on BOSH Windows stemcells.@Amit-PivotalLabs, @valeriap: Does this cf-release SHA look good for the postgres-release team? Any bugs, regressions, or incomplete features of concern?
@shalako, @shashwathi: Does this cf-release SHA look good for the routing team? Any bugs, regressions, or incomplete features of concern?
@sreetummidi, @mbhave: Does this cf-release SHA look good for the identity team? Any bugs, regressions, or incomplete features of concern?
@AllenDuet, @wfernandes: Does this cf-release SHA look good for the Loggregator team? Do the a1 logging metrics look nominal? Any bugs, regressions, or incomplete features of concern?
has been made a submodule for easier removal from Loggregator in the future.@SocalNick, @utako: Does this cf-release SHA look good for the CAPI team? Any bugs, regressions, or incomplete features of concern?
@sclevine, @RochesterinNYC: Does this cf-release SHA look good for the Buildpacks and Stacks team? Any bugs, regressions, or incomplete features of concern?
@nebhale, @cgfrost: Does this cf-release SHA look good for the Java Buildpack team? Any bugs, regressions, or incomplete features of concern?
@ematpl, @jfmyers9: Can you provide a compatible diego-release SHA?
@fraenkel, @sykesm: Does this cf-release SHA look good for the DEA + HM9000 team? Any bugs, regressions, or incomplete features of concern?