cloudfoundry-attic / cfdev

A fast and easy local Cloud Foundry experience on native hypervisors, powered by LinuxKit with VPNKit
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cf dev start: unable to find VM IP address from '/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/virbr0.status' #107

Open karizma987 opened 5 years ago

karizma987 commented 5 years ago

although i found the same error being solved but it is not working for me. i am new to cloud foundry. i am trying to install cloud foundry dev. i used the following command.

sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin libvirt-doc
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudfoundry-cli.list
# ...then, update your local package index, then finally install the cf CLI
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cf-cli


Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
cf-cli is already the newest version (6.45.0).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

next i run cf install-plugin -r CF-Community cfdev


Plugin cfdev 0.0.16 found in: CF-Community
Attention: Plugins are binaries written by potentially untrusted authors.
Install and use plugins at your own risk.
Do you want to install the plugin cfdev? [yN]: y
Starting download of plugin binary from repository CF-Community...
 15.78 MiB / 15.78 MiB [============================================] 100.00% 2s
Installing plugin cfdev...

Plugin cfdev 0.0.16 successfully installed.

**on running the command**
cf dev start
i am getting the following output

Downloading Resources...
Progress: |====================>| 100.0%
Setting State...

CF Dev collects anonymous usage data to help us improve your user experience. We intend to share these anonymous usage analytics with user community by publishing quarterly reports at :

Are you ok with CF Dev periodically capturing anonymized telemetry [y/N]?> n
WARNING: CF Dev requires 8192 MB of RAM to run. This machine may not have enough free RAM.
[sudo] password for karishma: 
Creating the VM...
Starting the VM...
Fetching VM Address...
cf dev start: unable to find VM IP address from '/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/virbr0.status'

did i miss any step? i am not able to rectify the error.

cf-gitbot commented 5 years ago

We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this:

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

aemengo commented 5 years ago

The following user that posted a similar issue was missing some other system packages. Could that be the case here?

karizma987 commented 5 years ago

@aemengo i saw the #104 (comment) i executed the the commands

virsh net-list


 Name                 State      Autostart     Persistent
 default              active     yes           yes

service libvirtd status output

 libvirtd.service - Virtualization daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service; enabled; vendor preset:
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-07-02 19:46:27 IST; 4h 44min left
     Docs: man:libvirtd(8)
 Main PID: 1034 (libvirtd)
    Tasks: 19 (limit: 32768)
   CGroup: /system.slice/libvirtd.service
           ├─1034 /usr/sbin/libvirtd
           ├─1318 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --conf-file=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default
           └─1319 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --conf-file=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default

Jul 02 20:00:02 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: reading /etc/resolv
Jul 02 20:00:02 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: using nameserver 12
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: reading /etc/resolv
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: using nameserver 12
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: reading /etc/resolv
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: using nameserver 12
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: reading /etc/resolv
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: using nameserver 12
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: reading /etc/resolv
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: using nameserver 12
lines 1-22/22 (END)...skipping...
● libvirtd.service - Virtualization daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-07-02 19:46:27 IST; 4h 44min left
     Docs: man:libvirtd(8)
 Main PID: 1034 (libvirtd)
    Tasks: 19 (limit: 32768)
   CGroup: /system.slice/libvirtd.service
           ├─1034 /usr/sbin/libvirtd
           ├─1318 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --conf-file=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf --leasefile-ro --dhcp-script=/usr/lib/libvirt/libvirt_le
           └─1319 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --conf-file=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf --leasefile-ro --dhcp-script=/usr/lib/libvirt/libvirt_le

Jul 02 20:00:02 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Jul 02 20:00:02 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: using nameserver
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: using nameserver
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: using nameserver
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: using nameserver
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Jul 02 20:00:13 karishma-HP-Pavilion-Notebook dnsmasq[1318]: using nameserver

virsh net-start default output

error: Failed to start network default
error: Requested operation is not valid: network is already active
georgi-bozhinov commented 5 years ago

I had the same error and it turns out virtualization wasn't enabled on my machine. The issue was fixed by enabling it.

karizma987 commented 5 years ago

@georgi-bozhinov i check my system, virtualisation is already enabled. i tried to do the whole process again. still geting the same error.
cf dev start: unable to find VM IP address from '/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/virbr0.status'

aemengo commented 5 years ago

@karizma987 Is that file present? What are the contents of /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/virbr0.status. Is there any file present at this directory: /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/?

some-ibmer commented 5 years ago

Had the same problem as @georgi-bozhinov where virtualization was not enabled on the machine. Works now that it is enabled.

karizma987 commented 5 years ago

@aemengo i check the file in var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/virbr0.status the file is present but its empty. when i open it is shows square brackets like this [


and no other content.

karizma987 commented 5 years ago

@eddie-at-ibm i use the following command to check whether virtualization is enabled or not.

sudo modprobe msr sudo rdmsr 0x3a Values 3 and 5 mean it's activated. and my system is returning 5 and even checked the system setup setting virtualization is enabled. and the problem still persist.

aemengo commented 5 years ago


  1. Does the following command return anything? ps aux | grep linuxkit

  2. Are there any files that can be found in: ~/.cfdev/log?

karizma987 commented 5 years ago

@aemengo ps aux | grep linuxkit gives the below output

karishma  4353  0.0  0.0  21536   972 pts/0    S+   23:35   0:00 grep --color=auto linuxkit
root     32651  0.0  0.0 627804   108 ?        Ssl  23:16   0:00 /home/karishma/.cfdev/daemons/linuxkit
root     32659  0.0  0.0 158516   748 ?        Sl   23:16   0:00 /home/karishma/.cfdev/bin/linuxkit run qemu -cpus 4 -mem 8192 -disk size=120G,format=qcow2,file=/home/karishma/.cfdev/state/linuxkit/disk.qcow2 -fw /home/karishma/.cfdev/bin/OVMF.fd -state /home/karishma/.cfdev/state/linuxkit -networking tap,cfdevtap0 -iso -uefi /home/karishma/.cfdev/bin/cfdev-efi-v2.iso
root     32664  4.8 76.5 11140400 6162252 ?    Sl   23:16   0:56 /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -smp 4 -m 8192 -uuid 7841b966-0625-4d76-bc15-02df24205d81 -pidfile /home/karishma/.cfdev/state/linuxkit/ -enable-kvm -machine q35,accel=kvm:tcg -object rng-random,id=rng0,filename=/dev/urandom -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0 -drive file=/home/karishma/.cfdev/state/linuxkit/disk.qcow2,format=qcow2,index=0,media=disk -boot d -cdrom /home/karishma/.cfdev/bin/cfdev-efi-v2.iso -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=/home/karishma/.cfdev/bin/OVMF.fd -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=t0,mac=02:38:a6:db:87:79 -netdev tap,id=t0,ifname=cfdevtap0,script=no,downscript=no -nographic

inside ~/.cfdev/log

linuxkit.log is present.

one new thing happened, i tried reinstalling again the cf dev.... but this time the error i got is this:-

Creating the VM...
Starting the VM...
Fetching VM Address...
cf dev start: unexpected end of JSON input

now i don't know whether the previous error is rectified or i got a new error in addition. trying finding the solution for this error now. will update soon further about the progress.

aemengo commented 5 years ago

What are the last few lines of the linuxkit.log file?

karizma987 commented 5 years ago

@aemengo can you tell where to find this linuxkit.log file? i used the terminal to see the content of cfdev/log but not able to see the content of linuxkit.log

aemengo commented 5 years ago

Can you perform the following and tell me the output?

$ tail -n 30 ~/.cfdev/log/linuxkit.log
karizma987 commented 5 years ago

@aemengo got this as output

INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux"...  type=io.containerd.runtime.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.service.v1.tasks-service"...  type=io.containerd.service.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.grpc.v1.containers"...  type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.grpc.v1.content"...  type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.grpc.v1.diff"...  type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin ""...  type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.grpc.v1.healthcheck"...  type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.grpc.v1.images"...  type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.grpc.v1.leases"...  type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.grpc.v1.namespaces"...  type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.grpc.v1.snapshots"...  type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.grpc.v1.tasks"...  type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.grpc.v1.version"...  type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.grpc.v1.introspection"...  type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
INFO[0000] serving...                                    address="/run/containerd/debug.sock"
INFO[0000] serving...                                    address="/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
INFO[0000] containerd successfully booted in 0.367197s  
Cleaning up stale service: "acpid"
Cleaning up stale service: "bosh-bootstrap"
Cleaning up stale service: "host-timesync-daemon"
Cleaning up stale service: "ntpd"
Cleaning up stale service: "vpnkit-forwarder"
Cleaning up stale service: "vpnkit-manager"
INFO[0003] shim containerd-shim started                  address="/containerd-shim/services.linuxkit/acpid/shim.sock" debug=false pid=519
INFO[0005] shim containerd-shim started                  address="/containerd-shim/services.linuxkit/bosh-bootstrap/shim.sock" debug=false pid=565
INFO[0006] shim containerd-shim started                  address="/containerd-shim/services.linuxkit/host-timesync-daemon/shim.sock" debug=false pid=612
INFO[0007] shim containerd-shim started                  address="/containerd-shim/services.linuxkit/ntpd/shim.sock" debug=false pid=681
INFO[0007] shim containerd-shim started                  address="/containerd-shim/services.linuxkit/vpnkit-manager/shim.sock" debug=false pid=733
[CPID] 2019/07/06 17:53:48 Initializing bosh-runc-cpid...
[ 1162.048558] nf_conntrack: default automatic helper assignment has been turned off for security reasons and CT-based  firewall rule not found. Use the iptables CT target to attach helpers instead.
aemengo commented 5 years ago

I'm really sorry for the delay in responding, but unfortunately there's still not much to go on. Something must be occurring wrongly with the libvirt interaction in a way that is not quite surfacing itself.

karizma987 commented 5 years ago

@aemengo thank you for responding, i am working on the issue, will update incase i am able to move forward in the installation.

richard-cox commented 5 years ago

@karizma987 I hit the same issue today, however my virsh net-list --all was missing default. Found this and this really helpful.

karizma987 commented 5 years ago

@richard-cox i tried virsh net-list --all

output is

 Name                 State      Autostart     Persistent
 default              active     yes           yes

so that means default is already active i guess.

tosone commented 4 years ago

I found this line, timeout is too short for me.

tosone commented 4 years ago

How to compile this repo? I want to fix some bugs and tests on my own. @aemengo

gitricko commented 4 years ago

i have the same error... cat /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/virbr. gives me 3 IPs... is it the timeout that cause the issue. Maybe the program need to wait longer ?