I am getting the following error when trying to upload the release, are the keys still valid??
With the following line on the final.yml I am getting:
encryption_key: PERSONAL_RANDOM_KEY
$ ~/workspace/jenkins-boshrelease$ bosh upload release releases/jenkins-3.yml
Copying packages
bosh-cli (1) FOUND REMOTE
Downloading f823eac5-6af6-494b-a472-5d4fb5936167...
Blobstore error: Failed to fetch object, underlying error: #<AWS::Core::Http::NetHttpHandler::TruncatedBodyError: content-length does not mat
ch> /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p547/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/aws-sdk-1.32.0/lib/aws/core/http/net_http_handler.rb:83:in `ensure in bl
ock (2 levels) in handle'
And without it:
# encryption_key: PERSONAL_RANDOM_KEY
$ ~/workspace/jenkins-boshrelease$ bosh upload release releases/jenkins-3.yml
Copying packages
bosh-cli (1) FOUND REMOTE
Downloading f823eac5-6af6-494b-a472-5d4fb5936167...
bosh-cli (1) is corrupted in blobstore (id=f823eac5-6af6-494b-a472-5d4fb5936167)
I am getting the following error when trying to upload the release, are the keys still valid?? With the following line on the final.yml I am getting:
And without it:
Is there something missing on the README maybe?
Thanks! Bonzonfenix && Lcacciagioni