I am running multiple foundations on gcp, controlled by Concourse and using stackdriver-nozzle v2.1. I have a requirement to only send firehose monitoring events to stackdriver to for a subset of the foundations. I wish to achieve this via an operations files for each foundations nozzle.
It is simple enough to specify the default 3 monitoring events for foundations where i need the data, however, i am not sure how to specify that i do not want the any events for the others (if i leave blank the default kicks in and i will end up with all monitoring metrics
I am running multiple foundations on gcp, controlled by Concourse and using stackdriver-nozzle v2.1. I have a requirement to only send firehose monitoring events to stackdriver to for a subset of the foundations. I wish to achieve this via an operations files for each foundations nozzle.
It is simple enough to specify the default 3 monitoring events for foundations where i need the data, however, i am not sure how to specify that i do not want the any events for the others (if i leave blank the default kicks in and i will end up with all monitoring metrics
I will remain using stackdriver logging events for all environments, its just the monitoring that i wish to customise.
Can you give me any advice on how to achieve this as was hoping to parameterise to either all or none.