cloudfoundry-community / stackdriver-tools

Stackdriver Nozzle for Cloud Foundry Loggregator, Host Monitoring Agents BOSH Release
Apache License 2.0
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Upgrade fluentd to 1.3.0, ability to deal with octet counting messages #218

Open lurraca opened 6 years ago

lurraca commented 6 years ago

In the fluentd 1.3.0 they added support for frame_type -> octet_count

We would like to make use of that feature while using stackdriver-tools.

P.S.: fluent-plugin-google-cloud dependecy of fluentd would also need updating.

mattysweeps commented 5 years ago

Per our discovery, we are blocked until the fluent-plugin-google-cloud updates it's dependency on fluentd:

scottmuc commented 5 years ago

@mattysweeps looks like plugin has been updated to work with a more recent version of fluentd. Is there a way we could bump the priority of this? With the release of PCF 2.7 it might be a good excuse to bump the stemcell dependency too.