cloudfoundry-community / stackdriver-tools

Stackdriver Nozzle for Cloud Foundry Loggregator, Host Monitoring Agents BOSH Release
Apache License 2.0
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Fix Makefile for concourse tile building #226

Closed mattysweeps closed 5 years ago

mattysweeps commented 5 years ago

Fixes the Makefile so BOSH releases can have a correct semver.

The Makefile assumes git tags are always semvers. However, a BOSH release semver cannot have the leading 'v'.

This updates the Makefile to remove a leading v from the git tag

This change is Reviewable

mattysweeps commented 5 years ago

@evandbrown I'm going to merge this now to unblock myself, but feel free to comment and give your explicit approval. Any comments you make I'll address in a later PR.

Also, when you have the time, could you add @josephlewis42 and @craigatgoogle as contributors so I can easily request their review on future PRs?