cloudfoundry-community / windows-stemcell-concourse

Provides tasks to take a Windows ISO and transform to a Windows stemcell for Cloud Foundry, in VSphere.
MIT License
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Timeout windows install #34

Closed ddieruf closed 4 years ago

ddieruf commented 4 years ago

Currently, the windows install step in create-base task can run indefinitely. In the case where there is an invalid autounattend xml created or something happens during the install process, a window is popped up within the VM and the install is paused. The task doesn't know this. It thinks install is still running.

Need to timeout in these cases. Default the value to 10 minutes. This can legitimately vary based on the speed of vcenter, the concourse worker, and other network factors. Provide a var named windows-install-timeout where someone can override the 10 minute value.