Closed Akhilesh-Anb closed 7 years ago
Given a fully-qualified DNS name or IP where your admin ui is going to be installed, add the following clause to the uaac client add. I am assuming the admin ui is being accessed with http, not https here. I am also assuming the admin ui is exposing itself through port 8070.
--redirect_uri http://\<admin ui host>:8070/login
I'll update the readme with this information.
Thank you @rboykin for the quick reply on this. I'll create uaac client with the redirect_uri and i'll update here if i face any issues.
Regards, Akhilesh Appana
Documented the addition of the redirect_uri to the README:
Hi @rboykin ,
i have created uaac client by providing the public DNS name in redirect_uri:
scope: admin_ui.user openid admin_ui.admin
client_id: admin_ui_client
resource_ids: none
authorized_grant_types: refresh_token client_credentials authorization_code
autoapprove: true
authorities: cloud_controller.write openid sps.write clients.write doppler.firehose scim.write cloud_controller.admin
name: admin_ui_client
lastmodified: 1502088277000
id: admin_ui_client
Now when i'm accessing the admin-UI using [] in browser, I'm getting This site can’t be reached.
Attaching the log file. admin_ui.txt
Please help me on this.
Thanks, Akhilesh Appana
@Akhilesh-Anb The latest admin ui has a non-privileged entry point to check on status. Try to hit
If you cannot hit that, either your admin ui is not running or your DNS is not functioning appropriately.
I also see the fact that you are using mysql2 and within the log that is not working. Since I don't personally have a mysql2 environment in which to test, I have not recently upgraded the mysql2 ruby gem. It is possible that the mysql2 ruby gem needs updating.
Did your bundle install function without error?
Other than the errors hitting mysql2, I see no logged errors within the log you sent.
@Akhilesh-Anb I got an email notification of your latest addition to this issue, but you have appeared to subsequently deleted it. Good you found the ccdb_uri was misconfigured and corrected it.
Given your deletion, are you now able to access the admin ui at your specific URL?
@rboykin ,
Because of Internet problem, i'm not able to update with new comment. I apologize for that. Now i'm not getting any error regarding mysql after the changes.
I ran this command to run admin-ui,
ubuntu@ip-10-xx-xx-156:~/akhilesh/admin-ui$ ruby bin/admin -c config/default.yml &
[1] 19990
ruby 2.3.3-p222
data: data/data.json
doppler data: data/doppler_data.json
log: admin_ui.log
stats: sqlite://data/store.db
But i'm not able to access admin-ui in browser.
and i accessed the health url and i didnt find any response.
Here is my uaac client:
scope: admin_ui.user openid admin_ui.admin
resource_ids: none
authorized_grant_types: refresh_token client_credentials authorization_code
autoapprove: true
authorities: cloud_controller.write openid sps.write clients.write doppler.firehose scim.write cloud_controller.admin
name: admin_ui_client
lastmodified: 1502088277000
Please let me know if i have done any misconfiguration. If everything is fine,please let me know the way of accessing the admin-ui in browser.
Attching the log file.
Appreciate your help.
@Akhilesh-Anb I don't see any errors in your log.
Try a curl -v It should return a 200 if you could connect to the admin ui.
Also, you can check locally to see if running with curl -v http://localhost:8070/health
You could also run with bundle exec ruby bin/admin -c config/default.yml & to ensure you are getting all of the correct gems for the admin ui.
I cannot help if your hostname does not resolve. If you can connect with http://localhost:8070/health from where you are running the ruby bin/admin, the problem is in your DNS or network or something similar.
Hello @rboykin ,
I see that i'm getting 200 status. I think there is a problem with DNS or network. I'll look into this. Thank you so much for your help and quick replies.
Regards, Akhilesh Appana
I'm trying to create a uaac client and its asking for redirect URI. Please help me on this
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