cloudfoundry-incubator / cflocal

Stage and launch CF apps, push and pull droplets, and connect to real CF services -- in Docker
Apache License 2.0
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Use cf local with the app's manifest.yml #3

Open ngscchung opened 7 years ago

ngscchung commented 7 years ago

I found that cf local run or stage will not recognize my manifest.yml. I have to re-input those info like app names or host through command line or create a separate local.yml ... is it possible to make cf local recognize the app's original manifest.yml?

sclevine commented 7 years ago

Ignoring manifest.yml is an intentional design decision that I don't currently have plans to change.

Reasons include:

I might consider adding an option to local.yml to use the environment variables from an app specified in manifest.yml. Is this a compelling option for your use case?

ngscchung commented 7 years ago

Our use case is to setup our deployment pipeline to trigger cf local and construct an unittest environment that is (almost) identical to the actual CF runtime environment and run the unittest before cf push.

Understand your design idea and your suggested enhancement will help. Originally I'm just thinking if cf local would follow the original manifest.yml by default, and override/supplement any additional options specified in local.yml that are specific for cf local usage, but it's okay if you want to prevent any potential confusions.