Currently if you split the extension into two binaries (one for registering the webhook and the other for running the mutating webhook webserver), and do not add a k8s api token to the server container, then it fails to start.
The k8s api permissions needed to get the webserver to start currently are:
Secrets: GET (used for getting the server certificate)
Namespaces: GET, UPDATE (used for updating namespace labels)
This feature request is to allow running the server container no k8s api service token. The server container could skip creating a k8s connection and updating the namespace labels if the RegisterWebhooks flag is false.
It will still need a webhook server cert, but this could be provided as a secret mounted as a volume instead.
Currently if you split the extension into two binaries (one for registering the webhook and the other for running the mutating webhook webserver), and do not add a k8s api token to the server container, then it fails to start.
The k8s api permissions needed to get the webserver to start currently are: Secrets: GET (used for getting the server certificate) Namespaces: GET, UPDATE (used for updating namespace labels)
This feature request is to allow running the server container no k8s api service token. The server container could skip creating a k8s connection and updating the namespace labels if the RegisterWebhooks flag is false. It will still need a webhook server cert, but this could be provided as a secret mounted as a volume instead.
Additional context:
Related code: Finding the webhook server cert in a secret: Updating namespace labels: