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sudo permission of vcap on bosh director #199

Closed Lickkylee closed 8 years ago

Lickkylee commented 8 years ago

I tried to deploy CF via bosh but always got error Timed out pinging to a865c689-0cb7-4211-9163-3276a3eb6e7a after 600 seconds. I logged in bosh director to retrieve logs for further analysis by user vcap but /var/vcap/bosh/log/ is owned by root. when trying to sudo to root, I was asked for password of vcap. I used ssh private keys to log in bosh director VM so I absolutely didn't know the password of user vcap. Is this by design? How can I get the logs for troubleshooting?

bingosummer commented 8 years ago

The default password is c1oudc0w.

Did you use the bosh-setup template to deploy BOSH and CF? This will make your life easier.

Lickkylee commented 8 years ago

I used template, as well as manual way to deploy. Yes, you are right, the one from templates has the default password, but the one manual deployed seemed don't have default password. But the bosh.yml didn't have an entry to let me define the password of vcap.

bingosummer commented 8 years ago

I think, the password can't be specified in bosh.yml. It seems that it's set when building the stemcell.

@cppforlife @AbelHu Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

cppforlife commented 8 years ago

Here is an example of how you can set it:

bingosummer commented 8 years ago

Thanks @cppforlife .

It seems that the password is generated by mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S 4gDD3aV0rdqlrKC -s <<< c1oudc0w.

AbelHu commented 8 years ago

@bingosummer It seems like that the password of vcap is set to c1oudc0w by default in the latest stemcells. @Lickkylee You can follow @bingosummer 's suggestion to create a encrypted password and set it in your manifest if you want to use a different password for vcap.

akskap commented 6 years ago


I just created a bosh-lite environment on Openstack environment using

bosh create-env ~/Documents/workspace/bosh-deployment/bosh.yml \
  -o ~/Documents/workspace/bosh-deployment/openstack/cpi.yml \
  -o ~/Documents/workspace/bosh-deployment/bosh-lite.yml \
  -o ~/Documents/workspace/bosh-deployment/bosh-lite-runc.yml \
  -o ~/Documents/workspace/bosh-deployment/external-ip-with-registry-not-recommended.yml \

Any action with sudo for vcap user asks for a password. Can you please help with the default password that would have been used here ? I tried all suggestions above but din't work

bingosummer commented 6 years ago

@akskap You can follow The ops file is It will add a jumpbox user, which doesn't ask for a password for sudo.

akskap commented 6 years ago

@bingosummer Thanks a lot for the pointers. For targeting the cf environment from outside (using cf api), I am unable to reach the CF router VM in the CF deployment on bosh-lite. Is there anything I am missing ?

bingosummer commented 6 years ago

@akskap If you are using bosh -e boshlite -d cf deploy ./cf-deployment.yml -o ./operations/bosh-lite.yml --vars-store cf-deployment-vars.yml -v system_domain="", then you should use cf api --skip-ssl-validation to target the CF api endpoint.