cloudfoundry / bosh-bootloader

Command line utility for standing up a BOSH director on an IAAS of your choice.
Apache License 2.0
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Create a Jumpbox and a BOSH Director error #587

Closed yangdeyue-root closed 10 months ago

yangdeyue-root commented 10 months ago

When I was deploying cf, Installation tutorial to Create a order and a BOSH Director deployment installation, but encountered problems

Here are my own environmental variables

[root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_IAAS=vsphere [root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_USER=administrator@vs.local [root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_PASSWORD=pass [root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_IP= [root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_DC=Datacenter [root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_CLUSTER=cluster [root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_RP=Resource-Pool [root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_VSPHERE_NETWORK="VM-Network-2" [root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_DS=Datastore_nfs [root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_VSPHERE_SUBNET_CIDR= [root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_DISKS=bosh-disks [root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_TEMPLATES=bosh-templates [root@bogon bosh]# export BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_VMS=bosh-vms

[root@bogon bosh]# bbl up step: terraform init step: terraform apply step: creating jumpbox Deployment manifest: '/home/bosh/jumpbox-deployment/jumpbox.yml' Deployment state: '/home/bosh/vars/jumpbox-state.json'

Started validating Downloading release 'os-conf'... Skipped [Found in local cache] (00:00:00) Validating release 'os-conf'... Finished (00:00:00) Downloading release 'bosh-vsphere-cpi'... Skipped [Found in local cache] (00:00:00) Validating release 'bosh-vsphere-cpi'... Finished (00:00:07) Validating cpi release... Finished (00:00:00) Validating deployment manifest... Finished (00:00:00) Downloading stemcell... Skipped [Found in local cache] (00:00:00) Validating stemcell... Finished (00:00:05) Finished validating (00:00:13)

Started installing CPI Compiling package 'golang-1-darwin/09f29d9ec1e02c30264852327f54296cf75aaa9f050920269697548ea3788f4c'... Finished (00:00:00) Compiling package 'golang-1-linux/a54b33c812a8cfc39ba82782a23d74bf33f5a0a92012b41a101cc9d9d48d345c'... Finished (00:00:00) Compiling package 'ruby-3.1.2-r0.91.0/4a7d89622dc38f8f526b36e99c5b8fea7a5aff61941b998b22d1d8eeeeb42dff'... Finished (00:00:00) Compiling package 'iso9660wrap/8d303b343f987382c800201731721f8edea3442bfe986aa3eb8b182f591f0b48'... Finished (00:00:00) Compiling package 'vsphere_cpi/23a50f5ae5ddb72d3ce737d523af526781e4bd000a59ebb18fb3a33efc097bee'... Finished (00:00:00) Installing packages... Finished (00:00:31) Rendering job templates... Finished (00:00:00) Installing job 'vsphere_cpi'... Finished (00:00:00) Finished installing CPI (00:00:32)

Uploading stemcell 'bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu-bionic-go_agent/1.97'... Skipped [Stemcell already uploaded] (00:00:00)

Started deploying Waiting for the agent on VM 'vm-9e143ab8-3796-4104-b8e9-8bb53a02b4c7'... Failed (00:00:30) Deleting VM 'vm-9e143ab8-3796-4104-b8e9-8bb53a02b4c7'... Finished (00:00:13) Creating VM for instance 'jumpbox/0' from stemcell 'sc-8e6193c0-006d-45bc-8fac-05df7a13b5fd'... Finished (00:00:28) Waiting for the agent on VM 'vm-30ca1809-2877-439d-9ca2-a85453018d7d' to be ready... Failed (00:10:09) Failed deploying (00:11:31)

Cleaning up rendered CPI jobs... Finished (00:00:00)

Deploying: Creating instance 'jumpbox/0': Waiting until instance is ready: Post "https://mbus:@": dial tcp i/o timeout

Exit code 1

Create jumpbox: Running /home/bosh/ exit status 1

I don't know what the problem is, hope to get your help

jpalermo commented 10 months ago

Hi @yangdeyue-root , is this still a problem, or was this the same issue seen in

rkoster commented 10 months ago

Closing due to inactivity