cloudfoundry / bosh-linux-stemcell-builder

BOSH Ubuntu Linux stemcells
Apache License 2.0
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AWS stemcell is missing from cn-north-1 region since v1.423 #340

Open garyliu-philips opened 2 months ago

garyliu-philips commented 2 months ago

Hi team,

I want to report the Stemcell AMI for cn-north-1 is missing from the stemcell.MF lightweight package in the v1.423 release. We also couldn't find the AMI associated with v1.406 available in AWS China.

cn-north-1: ami-0c9ed81eab6e91191

Can you please confirm if there is any change of region scope which removes cn-north-1 region going forward? Or this is just an operational issue?

Cheers, Gary

beyhan commented 2 months ago

This was announced in the bosh Slack channel. Form the channel (link):

Hi all. We’ve run into yet another problem where our AWS China accounts have been deactivated and we’re not having any luck regaining access to them. We don’t believe we’re going to get access to them, which means in some shortish amount of time, all the AWS China light stemcell AMIs will fail to work. We also will be unable to publish new light stemcells into the AWS China region. If you deploy things into this region, you’ll need to use the heavy stemcell.

rkoster commented 2 months ago

@christopherclark is this something the LF help with this?