cloudfoundry / bosh-softlayer-cpi-release

An external BOSH CPI for the SoftLayer cloud written in Golang
Apache License 2.0
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Deployment fails with bosh-softlayer-xen-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent 3421.11 #253

Closed valeriap closed 7 years ago

valeriap commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to deploy with the latest stemcell but the deployment fails during compilation with error:

07:03:59 | Compiling packages: cflinuxfs2/ae0dd4491d9439d8648045677e9b3e3516815815 (00:17:53)
            L Error: Timed out pinging to 9366a3d4-0a7d-4646-bf3a-42fc9ebffd27 after 600 seconds

Note that the vm is created within the 600 seconds. With an older stemcell it works fine (I've tried 3363.20.1) .

Bosh director is 261.3.0 Thanks, Valeria.

cf-gitbot commented 7 years ago

We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this:

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

mattcui commented 7 years ago

There should be some compatibility issue in agent of softlayer community stemcell. We will try to fix it soon.

@jianqiu more and more people met this problem, could you please help build a new stemcell with compatible bosh-agent? Thanks.

edwardstudy commented 7 years ago

@valeriap Hi, we upgrade stemcell to v3431.13.3, it fixes the issue. And we recommend using BOSH v262.3.

I hope this helps you.

valeriap commented 7 years ago
