cloudfoundry / bosh

Cloud Foundry BOSH is an open source tool chain for release engineering, deployment and lifecycle management of large scale distributed services.
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Deploying BOSH with Stemcell in Windows environment. ( Windows2012R2 ) #1973

Closed JY-Lee closed 6 years ago

JY-Lee commented 6 years ago


I have some issues deploying BOSH with Stemcell in Windows environment.

This manifest file have successfully deployed BOSH with Stemcell on Ubuntu environment. ######################### name: bosh






cloud_provider: mbus: https://mbus:mbus-password@((external_ip)):6868 properties: agent: {mbus: "https://mbus:mbus-password@"} blobstore: {provider: local, path: /var/vcap/micro_bosh/data/cache} ntp: ntp azure: cpi_conf template: name: azure_cpi release: bosh-azure-cpi ssh_tunnel: host: ((external_ip)) port: 22 user: vcap private_key: /home/cloud/.ssh/azure_pub #########################

However, if i deploy after editing the path from url: file:////home/cloud/boshtest/stemcell/bosh-stemcell-3468.21-azure-hyperv-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent.tgz

to url: file:////home/cloud/boshtest/stemcell/light-bosh-stemcell-1200.19-azure-hyperv-windows2012R2-go_agent.tgz

An error occurs as below. #########################

Started validating Validating release 'bosh'... Finished (00:00:01) Validating release 'bosh-azure-cpi'... Finished (00:00:00) Validating cpi release... Finished (00:00:00) Validating deployment manifest... Finished (00:00:00) Validating stemcell... Finished (00:00:00) Finished validating (00:00:02)

Started installing CPI Compiling package 'ruby-2.4-r3/8471dec5da9ecc321686b8990a5ad2cc84529254'... Finished (00:01:31) Compiling package 'bosh_azure_cpi/ceb90b730e4e350787d1be2b81bb97b433549f3f'... Finished (00:00:34) Installing packages... Finished (00:00:00) Rendering job templates... Finished (00:00:00) Installing job 'azure_cpi'... Finished (00:00:00) Finished installing CPI (00:02:06)

Starting registry... Finished (00:00:00) Uploading stemcell 'bosh-azure-hyperv-windows2012R2-go_agent/1200.19'... Finished (00:00:20)

Started deploying Creating VM for instance 'bosh/0' from stemcell 'bosh-light-stemcell-e391a89e-1953-4f64-b0da-d02cc13caed4'... Finished (00:04:25) Waiting for the agent on VM 'agent_id:117a4d15-c2bd-4725-7ce1-d48fa3f1ee0a;resource_group_name:azure-resoureceGorup;storage_account_name:windowts' to be ready... Failed (00:08:30) Failed deploying (00:12:56)

Stopping registry... Finished (00:00:00) Cleaning up rendered CPI jobs... Finished (00:00:00)

Deploying: Creating instance 'bosh/0': Waiting until instance is ready: Starting SSH tunnel: Starting SSH tunnel: Failed to connect to remote server: dial tcp ((external_ip)):22: getsockopt: connection timed out

Exit code 1


I could not find any solutions from offical website or Git Guide docuemnts on this issue regarding BOSH deployment with Stemcell in Windows2012R2 .

Also, Is deploying windows stemcell supported in any other IaaS env like AWS or GCP? also, if this is not supported by 'create-env', is it supported by 'bosh-init'?

and, Is it possible to deploy CF & Deigo by installing BOSH in Ubuntu Stemcell and have Window Stemcell uploaded?

Your comments would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

dpb587-pivotal commented 6 years ago

Hello - some notes in response to your questions...

First, the BOSH director is only supported on Ubuntu stemcells (Windows will not work work). You'll need to switch back to using Ubuntu to get BOSH started. Once you have BOSH running, you can use it to deploy VMs using whichever operating system you prefer.

More specifically, I would strongly recommend deploying BOSH with cloudfoundry/bosh-deployment. It is a good, recent, secure starting point for your director. It looks like you are using an older manifest, and not sure where it came from.

Regarding Windows stemcell on other IaaSes, yes, Windows 2012R2 is currently published on Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure (see here). Due to licensing constraints, if you're interested in using it on other IaaSes (such as VMware vSphere), you can build the stemcell yourself in your environment. Instructions for this are documented here.

Regarding Diego and Windows, yes, you can deploy CloudFoundry with cells using multiple stemcells such as Ubuntu and Windows. For some examples of that, I'd recommend checking out cloudfoundry/cf-deployment, specifically the windows2016-cell.yml ops file.

mfine30 commented 6 years ago

Hi again,

Looks like this issue has been open for a little while now. I'm going to go ahead and close it. If it's still an issue, feel free to re-open.