Currently, i deployed cf-mysql-release v34 on OpenStack.
I have deployed cf-release and diego-release on OpenStack.
after deployed cf-release, ha-proxy-z1 node has been created.
I would like to know if i can use this ha-proxy-z1 node to config proxy of cf-mysql-release or
are there any suggest to config load balancer for proxy.
Thank you for submitting an issue. Hi Mysql team,
Currently, i deployed cf-mysql-release v34 on OpenStack. I have deployed cf-release and diego-release on OpenStack. after deployed cf-release, ha-proxy-z1 node has been created. I would like to know if i can use this ha-proxy-z1 node to config proxy of cf-mysql-release or are there any suggest to config load balancer for proxy.
cf-release v287 diego-release v1.34 cf-mysql-release v34
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