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Docker Registry configuration #22

Closed hsiliev closed 7 years ago

hsiliev commented 9 years ago

is the proposal Docker Registry configuration arguments

onsi commented 9 years ago

@hsiliev - thanks for the proposal, I think this is a great way to communicate given the distance :)

Some thoughts:

I can propose a solution for both these things:

We register the private docker registry with Consul (we have examples of doing this with the file server). Then we would pass -dockerRegistryURL=http(s)://private_docker_registry.service.dc1.consul:PORT.

To open up the container I can imagine two options:

  1. Stager fetches a list of all registered private_docker_registry services. This would return all registered IPs and ports and we could poke holes allowing access to all those IPs and ports.
  2. We pick a unique port for the private docker registry that doesn't conflict with anything else in the VPC (hard/tricky!) and then open up that port on the entire VPC. I prefer option 1. There's a small race in that a new Docker registry may appear/disappear while we are staging. This would result in a staging failure but I imagine this would be very infrequent.


hsiliev commented 9 years ago

@onsi: The registry client expects a []string with hosts that are insecure, but are allowed. Therefore docker builder should know upfront which hosts are insecure.

We can of course build the list dynamically and include the private and provided registry hosts when --skip-ssl-validation is specified. This disables certificate checks for the public docker registry as well, so Diego/CF gets vulnerable to attacks.

If we want to be on the safe side we might hard-code docker URL in the builder or at least add it as default value in the configuration, which seems a bad idea. Instead I went the other way around and decided to white-list the insecure hosts - the approach originally used by Docker client.

Consul solution looks nice, especially since we want to enable HA registry setup. I'll include your proposal. I would vote for 1, since the second option looks like a lot of pain for operators.

onsi commented 9 years ago

@hsiliev thanks for the update. I think I agree that --skip-ssl-validation should only apply to the private registry. We should only support secure external registries for now.

Let's go with option 1 for consul then. Great!

hsiliev commented 9 years ago

Added a new argument -consulAgentURL to:

hsiliev commented 9 years ago

Updated the proposal with:

onsi commented 9 years ago

This all looks fine except for one thing: there is no need to add Egress rules when running. Garden downloads the DockerImage on the user's behalf (this does not happen in a container and, therefore, is not restricted by the egress rules). Only staging (which must fetch then re-upload the image inside a container) has this constraint.

georgethebeatle commented 9 years ago

Proposed opt-in config. Please review and comment.

hsiliev commented 9 years ago

Updated the stager flags as a result of 92988118:

Documented builder flag -dockerDaemonExecutablePath, used to specify the path to docker executable