cloudfoundry / korifi

Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes
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[Explore]: Distributing Korifi using Carvel, Helm or Kustomize #1509

Closed gcapizzi closed 2 years ago

gcapizzi commented 2 years ago


Currently, we distribute Korifi as a set of YAML files that the users need to manually edit before they can be applied. This is inconvenient and error-prone. Our hacking flow is also not great.

Instead, we'd like to distribute a package that can be easily customised via simple input values before being applied. This should simplify our automation scripts, our CI, and our installation instructions. Ideally it should be able to use the same flow for installing a local copy of Korifi just by running kbld locally.

Here's an overview of the tools I'm aware of that could solve our problem:

Acceptance Criteria

An assessment of how our distribution story might look like using each one of the tools above, including:

Dev Notes

kieron-dev commented 2 years ago

I've just done an experiment with @danail-branekov regarding templating config maps using kustomize.

To setup the files:

mkdir -p base overlay
cat <<EOF >base/kustomization.yaml
- name: the-map
  - altGreeting="Have a pineapple!"
  - enableRisky="true"
  - something-common="ok"

cat <<EOF >overlay/config-values.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: the-map
  altGreeting: "Have a banana!"
  enableRisky: "false"

cat <<EOF >overlay/kustomization.yaml
- ../base

- config-values.yaml

To see the base configmap:

kubectl kustomize base

To see the overlay one:

kubectl kustomize overlay

Notice that the overlay can replace individual values from the base config map, but will preserve unmodified values. One downside is that we can't do nested structures this way. But this approach seems better for tweaking values than our existing file-based config map approach.

danail-branekov commented 2 years ago

Here are some general notes and observation that me and @kieron-dev made:

danail-branekov commented 2 years ago

Notes on Kustomize

Overall, it seems that using plain kustomize to configure our redistributable seems awkward. However, moving away from kustomize is awkward as well as kubebuilder generates kustomize overlays when introducing new stuff (e.g. new CRD or new webhooks). Therefore, from developers' point of view, having kustomize around is useful.

danail-branekov commented 2 years ago

Branch explore/1509-ytt-kustomize experiments combining ytt and kustomize.

Here are the goals of the experiment:

ytt -f api/config/base -f api/config/ytt -f api/config/values/kind-local-registry.yml --output-files $(TMPDIR)
kubectl kustomize build $(TMPDIR) | kubectl apply -f -

Therefore, in a release tarball we could just ship the kustomize that have proper image SHA filled by the CI and the ytt overlay. Users are not expected to mess with those files, they are just expected to come up with a properties one.

The approach above has the following benefits

Migrating to this way of doing things requires:

With regards to automating the configuration bits, there might be an issue that kustomize is putting prefixes on all the objects it produces. That might be a problem for cases where we would need stable predictable names...

georgethebeatle commented 2 years ago

After gaining confidence that the kustomize + ytt approach described above would work for us we set out to explore if we can achieve similar dev and user experience by using just kustomize. The benefits of this approach would be the following:

It turned out that it is actually possible to achieve the goals above. The key things we will need to chage are:

Here is a WIP branch that demonstrated how this works:

Users only need to edit the api/config/overlays/kind-local-registry/apiconfig/korifi_api_config.env file. The rest of the deployment procedure is unchanged.

This approach has the additional benefit of removing all overlays that we have had up to now with all the duplications in them and replaceing them with just one overlay that takes a simple key-value file.

We could even leverage the fact that kustomize can refer to bases from the internet and release a single overlay that refers to a release tag in github.

georgethebeatle commented 2 years ago

Today we carried on with the kustomize-only experiment. Here is what we tried:

kind: Kustomization


- behavior: merge
  - apiconfig/korifi_api_config.env
  name: config

- name: cloudfoundry/korifi-api
  newName: cloudfoundry/korifi-api
  newTag: dev-0.3.0-bd46d89cb53bafc5b96d9ab5a9754f9172b1dac0

- source:
    fieldPath: data.externalFQDN
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: config
    version: v1
  - fieldPaths:
    - spec.template.spec.containers.[name=korifi-api].env.[name=EXTERNAL_FQDN].value
      kind: Deployment
      name: deployment
      version: v1
  - fieldPaths:
    - spec.virtualhost.fqdn
      kind: HTTPProxy
      name: proxy
      version: v1

In this setup each component is installed like this:

kustomize build api | kubectl apply -f -
georgethebeatle commented 2 years ago

Investigating removing kustomize

The project structure created by kubebuilder uses kustomize to optionally configure various resources. This is problematic if we wish to use a templating solution around the korifi yaml, such as helm or ytt templates. So we are considering the impact of moving from kubebuilder generated yaml requiring kustomize, to plain yaml, potentially with templating code.


We picked the statefulset-runner as a representative component to experiment on.

Although we subsequently realised this does not define its own resources!

We generated the full distribution yaml with kubectl kustomize config/default inside statefulset-runner. Then we saved each yaml object in the output to a separate file in the korifi/dist/templates/statefulset-runner/ directory.


We can continue to generate RBAC cluster role definitions by modifying the controller-gen command in the makefile, e.g.

./bin/controller-gen \
    rbac:roleName=korifi-statefulset-runner-appworkload-manager-role \
    output:rbac:artifacts:config=../dist/templates/statefulset-runner paths="./..."

This uses the fully prefixed name for the cluster-role, and switches its output directory. The output file will be called role.yaml


CRDs can be generated as before. Again we just need to switch the output directory, similar to above.

Webhook generation

There is a problem here. We use object selectors to make sure we only modify korifi statefulset pods. However the +kubebuilder:webhook annotation does not allow us to specific object selector rules. Therefore this is implemented with a kustomize patch, since each time the webhook manifest is regenerated, it would overwrite the object selector changes.

Therefore we propose to stop the auto-generation of the webhook configurations.


It seems like helm is up to the task of the amount of templating we require. It can insert namespaces into the middle of strings, which is required for certificate DNS entries.

It will also suit the current configmap configuration approach, avoid the need to switch to env vars.

ytt templates would also work, though we note the ubiquity of helm and its ease of templating for this use case.

tcdowney commented 2 years ago

Therefore we propose to stop the auto-generation of the webhook configurations.

Could ytt do this still though? I feel a ytt overlay provides the same amount of capability here as the kustomize patch, right? That said, I don't think it's a big deal to move away from auto-generation of webhook config. We could even just generate once for new ones and then make the object selector change ourselves.

gcapizzi commented 2 years ago

@tcdowney Yes, I think the pair tried to do this with pure interpolation and without overlays, but we could use overlays for this special case. This is an extra point for ytt vs Helm which doesn't have overlays.

kieron-dev commented 2 years ago

Kustomize makes the config directory rather hard to understand. If you look at a yaml, you also need to check all the kustomization.yamls in the whole directory structure to see if it gets modified elsewhere. I don't think that is great. And keeping that sort of practice by overlaying object selectors onto the webhook configuration also makes the configuration less explicit and more magic.

When we extract the kustomize output into plain yaml files, it's surprising how simple the resultant configuration is (although I'm about to explore converting the controllers component, so it maybe that opinion is premature). The goal of this part of the explore is to have a set of simple yamls containing minimal templating (with helm, or inline ytt - not overlayed ytt), and see how that affects our current practices for local development, testing and release.

There should be a branch available to look at later, and we'll update the explore doc outlining the pros and cons of this approach compared with the pure kustomize approach we've already described.

gcapizzi commented 2 years ago

Yeah I totally agree that templating is a lot easier to understand and to use. It feels like Kustomize was designed so that users could customise (duh) YAML from third parties without having to fork it (their homepage emphasises the "use of off-the-shelf applications", "without forking"), but our use case is different.

That said, it might be worth having just one overlay if that still allows us to autogenerate webhook configurations - it really depends on how complex those are to write from scratch and keep up-to-date.