Ensure we have all the data we need to handle proxied request errors. See #2083
In the past we would use 'passthrough' which would mean the request status code and original error messages would be retained. At the moment the status code is lost
The suggestion is to not use passthrough to maintain a consistent response format
Handle errors for the two types of requests we make
Errors to entity requests (get, push, etc)
Errors to non-entity requests (if applicable after refactor)
Should cover situations like
Fetching data
Actions on rows/in list views
Full screen modals like create application. See #2080
Should also cover situation where we make a call to multiple endpoints and one fails. This could be the case where
one endpoint is down
user has permissions to fetch data from one cf but not another (fetch users against two cf's, admin in one which works... non-admin in another which fails)
Update: PR #196 adds the ability to show status by table row
Update 2: PR ##2054 add generic event handler to show warnings per endpoint and is tied to the cf request process
We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this. Unfortunately, the Pivotal Tracker project is private so you may be unable to view the contents of the story.
The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.
From @richard-cox on December 6, 2017 15:38
Update: PR #196 adds the ability to show status by table row Update 2: PR ##2054 add generic event handler to show warnings per endpoint and is tied to the cf request process
Copied from original issue: SUSE/stratos#29