cloudhead / rx

👾 Modern and minimalist pixel editor
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Segmentation fault #40

Closed zzFluke closed 4 years ago

zzFluke commented 4 years ago

Windows 10 build crashes with SegFault:

rx$ cargo run
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.14s
     Running `target\debug\rx.exe`
[2019-11-07T21:23:56Z INFO  rx::session] rx v0.2.0
error: process didn't exit successfully: `target\debug\rx.exe` (exit code: 0xc0000005, STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Segmentation fault

Windows information

OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 10 Home
OS Version:                10.0.18362 N/A Build 18362

Rust toolchain details

Default host: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
rustup home:  C:\Users\pavlo\.rustup

installed toolchains

stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc (default)

active toolchain

stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc (default)
rustc 1.39.0 (4560ea788 2019-11-04)
cloudhead commented 4 years ago

Looks like it crashes at runtime.

Can you run it with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 set as an environment variable? I'm also curious if the v0.2.0 tag also crashes - you can try git checkout v0.2.0 and running it again..

EDIT: For v0.2.0 you will have to run it with cargo run --features vulkan

cloudhead commented 4 years ago

Another thing is running it with cargo run -- --verbosity=2 and pasting the log might help.

zzFluke commented 4 years ago

Here you are:

 cargo run -- --verbosity=2
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.37s
     Running `target\debug\rx.exe --verbosity=2`
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx] options: Options { log: "rx=debug,error", exec: Normal, width: 1280, height: 720, resizable: true, source: None }
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] state: Initializing -> Running
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] source: C:\Users\pavlo\AppData\Roaming\void\rx\config\init.rx
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Noop
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Noop
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Semicolon), press: Mode(Command), release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(V), press: Mode(Visual(Selecting { dragging: false })), release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Period), press: Zoom(Incr), release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Comma), press: Zoom(Decr), release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Slash), press: Zoom(Set(1.0)), release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(J), press: ViewPrev, release: None, modes: [Normal] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(K), press: ViewNext, release: None, modes: [Normal] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Z), press: ViewCenter, release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(U), press: Undo, release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(R), press: Redo, release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(X), press: SwapColors, release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(B), press: Noop, release: None, modes: [Normal] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(E), press: BrushSet(Erase), release: Some(BrushUnset(Erase)), modes: [Normal] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Shift), press: BrushSet(Multi), release: Some(BrushUnset(Multi)), modes: [Normal] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(RBracket), press: BrushSize(Incr), release: None, modes: [Normal] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(LBracket), press: BrushSize(Decr), release: None, modes: [Normal] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Control), press: Sampler(true), release: Some(Sampler(false)), modes: [Normal] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Up), press: Pan(0, 1), release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Down), press: Pan(0, -1), release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Left), press: Pan(-1, 0), release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Right), press: Pan(1, 0), release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Return), press: AddFrame, release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Backspace), press: RemoveFrame, release: None, modes: [Normal, Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Noop
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(J), press: SelectionMove(0, -1), release: None, modes: [Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(K), press: SelectionMove(0, 1), release: None, modes: [Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(H), press: SelectionMove(-1, 0), release: None, modes: [Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(L), press: SelectionMove(1, 0), release: None, modes: [Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(RBracket), press: SelectionExpand, release: None, modes: [Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(LBracket), press: SelectionShrink, release: None, modes: [Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Space), press: SelectionFill(None), release: None, modes: [Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(Y), press: SelectionYank, release: None, modes: [Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(D), press: SelectionDelete, release: None, modes: [Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(P), press: SelectionPaste, release: None, modes: [Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(W), press: SelectionJump(Forward), release: None, modes: [Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Map(KeyMapping { key: Virtual(B), press: SelectionJump(Backward), release: None, modes: [Visual(Selecting { dragging: false }), Visual(Pasting)] })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Noop
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Set("scale", Float(1.0))
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Set("checker", Bool(false))
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Set("debug", Bool(false))
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Set("vsync", Bool(false))
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Set("input/delay", Float(8.0))
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Set("background", Rgba8(Rgba8 { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 }))
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Noop
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: BrushSet(Perfect)
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: Noop
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 26, g: 28, b: 44, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 93, g: 39, b: 93, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 177, g: 62, b: 83, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 239, g: 125, b: 87, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 255, g: 205, b: 117, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 167, g: 240, b: 112, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 56, g: 183, b: 100, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 37, g: 113, b: 121, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 41, g: 54, b: 111, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 59, g: 93, b: 201, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 65, g: 166, b: 246, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 115, g: 239, b: 247, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 244, g: 244, b: 244, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 148, g: 176, b: 194, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 86, g: 108, b: 134, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] command: PaletteAdd(Rgba8 { r: 51, g: 60, b: 87, a: 255 })
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z DEBUG rx::session] source: C:\dev\rust\rx\.rxrc
[2019-11-08T21:00:02Z INFO  rx::session] rx v0.2.0
[2019-11-08T21:00:03Z DEBUG rx::renderer] handling: ViewAdded(ViewId(1))
[2019-11-08T21:00:03Z DEBUG rx::renderer] handling: ViewActivated(ViewId(1))
error: process didn't exit successfully: `target\debug\rx.exe --verbosity=2` (exit code: 0xc0000005, STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Segmentation fault
zzFluke commented 4 years ago

Looks like it crashes at runtime.

Can you run it with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 set as an environment variable? I'm also curious if the v0.2.0 tag also crashes - you can try git checkout v0.2.0 and running it again..

EDIT: For v0.2.0 you will have to run it with cargo run --features vulkan

--features vulkan failed with:

cargo run --features vulkan
  Downloaded gfx-backend-vulkan v0.3.0
   Compiling winapi v0.3.7
   Compiling shared_library v0.1.9
   Compiling ash v0.29.0
   Compiling parking_lot_core v0.6.2
   Compiling winapi-util v0.1.2
   Compiling atty v0.2.13
   Compiling dirs-sys v0.3.4
   Compiling directories v2.0.2
   Compiling wincolor v1.0.2
   Compiling termcolor v1.0.5
   Compiling parking_lot v0.9.0
   Compiling env_logger v0.6.2
   Compiling gfx-backend-vulkan v0.3.0
   Compiling wgpu-native v0.3.3
   Compiling wgpu v0.3.0
   Compiling rgx v0.1.5
   Compiling rx v0.2.0 (C:\dev\rust\rx)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 35.69s
     Running `target\debug\rx.exe`
[2019-11-08T21:07:45Z ERROR rx] Error initializing rx: unrecognized command ':map/n'

--features dx12 also Segmenation fault:

cargo run --features dx12
  Downloaded gfx-backend-dx12 v0.3.0
  Downloaded d3d12 v0.1.0
  Downloaded spirv_cross v0.14.2
   Compiling winapi v0.3.7
   Compiling spirv_cross v0.14.2
   Compiling d3d12 v0.1.0
   Compiling winapi-util v0.1.2
   Compiling parking_lot_core v0.6.2
   Compiling atty v0.2.13
   Compiling dirs-sys v0.3.4
   Compiling directories v2.0.2
   Compiling wincolor v1.0.2
   Compiling termcolor v1.0.5
   Compiling parking_lot v0.9.0
   Compiling env_logger v0.6.2
   Compiling gfx-backend-dx12 v0.3.0
   Compiling wgpu-native v0.3.3
   Compiling wgpu v0.3.0
   Compiling rgx v0.1.5
   Compiling rx v0.2.0 (C:\dev\rust\rx)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 49.92s
     Running `.\rx.exe`
[2019-11-08T21:09:21Z INFO  rx::session] rx v0.2.0
error: process didn't exit successfully: `.\rx.exe` (exit code: 0xc0000005, STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Segmentation fault
cloudhead commented 4 years ago

Could you run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 also? I can't see where the segfault is coming from otherwise :grimacing:

cloudhead commented 4 years ago

For the v0.2.0, the reason you're getting: [2019-11-08T21:07:45Z ERROR rx] Error initializing rx: unrecognized command ':map/n' is because it's loading an init.rx script created by the newer version you ran first, and doesn't support some of the new commands. If you delete the init.rx file, it shoud get around that problem. I think on windows it's stored somewhere in C:\Users\<User>\AppData\

zzFluke commented 4 years ago

Thanks @cloudhead, I did delete the file but now it failed with SegFault: sorry...

 cargo run --features vulkan --verbose
       Fresh cfg-if v0.1.9
       Fresh cc v1.0.40
       Fresh unicode-xid v0.1.0
       Fresh semver-parser v0.7.0
       Fresh rustc-demangle v0.1.16
       Fresh lazy_static v1.3.0
       Fresh smallvec v0.6.10
       Fresh atom v0.3.5
       Fresh scopeguard v1.0.0
       Fresh colorful v0.2.1
       Fresh autocfg v0.1.5
       Fresh nodrop v0.1.13
       Fresh slab v0.4.2
       Fresh regex-syntax v0.6.11
       Fresh copyless v0.1.4
       Fresh vec_map v0.8.1
       Fresh adler32 v1.0.3
       Fresh quick-error v1.2.2
       Fresh unicode-width v0.1.5
       Fresh color_quant v1.0.1
       Fresh lzw v0.10.0
       Fresh semver v0.9.0
       Fresh cmake v0.1.41
       Fresh hibitset v0.6.2
       Fresh lock_api v0.3.1
       Fresh thread_local v0.3.6
       Fresh proc-macro2 v0.4.30
       Fresh libc v0.2.62
       Fresh byteorder v1.3.2
       Fresh winapi v0.3.7
       Fresh humantime v1.2.0
       Fresh textwrap v0.11.0
       Fresh inflate v0.4.5
       Fresh gif v0.10.2
       Fresh bitflags v1.1.0
       Fresh rustc_version v0.2.3
       Fresh log v0.4.8
       Fresh memchr v2.2.1
       Fresh arrayvec v0.4.11
       Fresh quote v0.6.13
       Fresh backtrace-sys v0.1.31
       Fresh fxhash v0.2.1
       Fresh shared_library v0.1.9
       Fresh raw-window-handle v0.1.2
       Fresh winapi-util v0.1.2
       Fresh atty v0.2.13
       Fresh crc32fast v1.2.0
       Fresh dirs-sys v0.3.4
       Fresh deflate v0.7.20
       Fresh clap v2.33.0
       Fresh snap v0.2.5
       Fresh syn v0.15.44
       Fresh backtrace v0.3.34
       Fresh ash v0.29.0
       Fresh aho-corasick v0.7.6
       Fresh num-traits v0.2.8
       Fresh synstructure v0.10.2
       Fresh derivative v1.0.2
       Fresh relevant v0.4.2
       Fresh parking_lot_core v0.6.2
       Fresh wincolor v1.0.2
       Fresh directories v2.0.2
       Fresh png v0.15.0
       Fresh failure_derive v0.1.5
       Fresh parking_lot v0.9.0
       Fresh zerocopy-derive v0.1.4
       Fresh termcolor v1.0.5
       Fresh regex v1.2.1
       Fresh glfw-sys v3.3.0
       Fresh failure v0.1.5
       Fresh zerocopy v0.2.8
       Fresh env_logger v0.6.2
       Fresh glfw v0.32.0
       Fresh gfx-hal v0.3.0
       Fresh gfx-backend-vulkan v0.3.0
       Fresh rendy-descriptor v0.4.0
       Fresh rendy-memory v0.4.0 (
       Fresh gfx-backend-empty v0.3.0
       Fresh wgpu-native v0.3.3
       Fresh wgpu v0.3.0
       Fresh rgx v0.1.5
   Compiling rx v0.2.0 (C:\dev\rust\rx)
     Running `rustc --edition=2018 --crate-name rx 'src\' --color always --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,metadata,link -C debuginfo=2 --cfg 'feature="default"' --cfg 'feature="glfw"' --cfg 'feature="vulkan"' -C metadata=fa4e8fb061d61e2d -C extra-filename=-fa4e8fb061d61e2d --out-dir 'C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps' -C 'incremental=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\incremental' -L 'dependency=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps' --extern 'clap=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libclap-4ce8b78ac732f985.rmeta' --extern 'directories=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libdirectories-ff13fdb9024547d0.rmeta' --extern 'env_logger=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libenv_logger-f67f3bdf5364b5b7.rmeta' --extern 'gif=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libgif-f2baa49c35434b89.rmeta' --extern 'glfw=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libglfw-14339ab453b0a25d.rmeta' --extern 'log=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\liblog-e2c4854c65dbb86a.rmeta' --extern 'png=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libpng-255cc5c4c7f42180.rmeta' --extern 'raw_window_handle=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libraw_window_handle-dcdd2909abe1a286.rmeta' --extern 'rgx=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\librgx-196a4d8a54487e9f.rmeta' --extern 'snap=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libsnap-77f4f1c8f51ce416.rmeta' -L 'native=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\build\glfw-sys-32f1432a83bb2f31\out\lib'`
     Running `rustc --edition=2018 --crate-name rx 'src\' --color always --crate-type bin --emit=dep-info,link -C debuginfo=2 --cfg 'feature="default"' --cfg 'feature="glfw"' --cfg 'feature="vulkan"' -C metadata=03df8792c5bd00b4 -C extra-filename=-03df8792c5bd00b4 --out-dir 'C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps' -C 'incremental=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\incremental' -L 'dependency=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps' --extern 'clap=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libclap-4ce8b78ac732f985.rlib' --extern 'directories=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libdirectories-ff13fdb9024547d0.rlib' --extern 'env_logger=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libenv_logger-f67f3bdf5364b5b7.rlib' --extern 'gif=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libgif-f2baa49c35434b89.rlib' --extern 'glfw=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libglfw-14339ab453b0a25d.rlib' --extern 'log=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\liblog-e2c4854c65dbb86a.rlib' --extern 'png=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libpng-255cc5c4c7f42180.rlib' --extern 'raw_window_handle=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libraw_window_handle-dcdd2909abe1a286.rlib' --extern 'rgx=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\librgx-196a4d8a54487e9f.rlib' --extern 'rx=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\librx-fa4e8fb061d61e2d.rlib' --extern 'snap=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\deps\libsnap-77f4f1c8f51ce416.rlib' -L 'native=C:\dev\rust\rx\target\debug\build\glfw-sys-32f1432a83bb2f31\out\lib'`
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 4.17s
     Running `target\debug\rx.exe`
error: process didn't exit successfully: `target\debug\rx.exe` (exit code: 0xc0000005, STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Segmentation fault
cloudhead commented 4 years ago

Ok, the v0.2.0 normally works on windows, so that's quite strange. I still can't really figure out what's happening without the RUST_BACKTRACE=1 env var. So that would be the next step. I would also recommend trying the winit backend, by doing --features vulkan,winit.

cloudhead commented 4 years ago

If you're still around, try the new opengl backend using --features compatibility in master.

Closing this now, but feel free to open a new issue or re-open this one if the issue persists with the gl backend.