cloudhead / toto

the 10 second blog-engine for hackers
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Config's "ext" not being honored by the Rakefile #40

Open ghost opened 14 years ago

ghost commented 14 years ago

Changed "set :ext" to "markdown", so Textmate picks up on the formatting when opening files. But the task "new" still uses ".txt" after changing "" (toto itself is correctly using .markdown).

cloudhead commented 14 years ago

Yea the Rakefile doesn't really have access to your config, it's just a helper script, so you're going to have to edit it manually:

path = "#{Toto::Paths[:articles]}/#{"%Y-%m-%d")}#{'-' + slug if slug}.#{@config[:ext]}"

You can change the @config[:ext] to 'markdown'

ixti commented 13 years ago

I believe this issue has nothing to do with toto, it's related to dorothy mostly. And I believe everyonce can tune dorothy's Rakefile to meet his needs (e.g. I have even task edit in my rakefile :))

So I really think that issue can be closed :))