cloudinary / CloudinaryDotNet

Cloudinary DotNet library
MIT License
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ListResourcesByAssetFolder raising JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0. error #327

Open ashugthub opened 1 year ago

ashugthub commented 1 year ago

Bug report for Cloudinary .NET SDK

Before proceeding, please update to latest version and test if the issue persists

Describe the bug in a sentence or two.

Issue Type (Can be multiple)

Steps to reproduce

… if applicable

Error screenshots or Stack Trace (if applicable)

OS and Version

Versions and Libraries (fill in the version numbers)


If possible, please provide a link to a reproducible repository that showcases the problem

aleksandar-cloudinary commented 1 year ago

Hi @AshuBanctec - Thanks for reporting.

It sounds like the request you've made may have encountered an error so you didn't receive a JSON response from Cloudinary hence the exception.

Could you please share your cloud name, the code you are running that produces this error, and the values of all parameters you're passing as part of the method call? Based on that, we should be able to understand why you're running into it.