cloudinary / cloudinary_npm

Cloudinary NPM for node.js integration
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Doesn't work with React Native #56

Open isair opened 9 years ago

isair commented 9 years ago

Due to crypto dependency.

ios simulator screen shot jul 23 2015 3 54 08 pm

tocker commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the delayed response. 'crypto' is part of Node.js and io.js (see If it is missing it could be due to a configuration issue.

squiles commented 8 years ago

Did you manage to get it to work @isair ? Having the same problem

mroswald commented 8 years ago

There's crypto-browserify bundled in node-libs-browser, which is bundled in webpack. If you bundle your app with webpack to index.ios.js and use this for your react-native app it works. But without webpack it does not work out-of-the-box, even if you add crypto or node-libs-browser to your project.

mroswald commented 8 years ago

Just use, that works like a charm!

robinnewhouse commented 8 years ago

+1 for this issue. running in to the same problem. I've installed cloudinary-core but the package is still reported missing. Any advice?

tocker commented 8 years ago

@mroswald thanks for pointing to the solution!

@isair , @squiles ,@robinnewhouse please use cloudinary-core instead of this library.

npm install lodash
npm install cloudinary-core

The name of the library is cloudinary-core, so to import the entire namespace, use the following code:

import * as cloudinary from 'cloudinary-core';

var html = "sample", { cloud_name: "demo", width: 200, crop: "scale"}).toHtml();
joonhocho commented 8 years ago

What about uploading?

tocker commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately uploading is not supported in the core JS library. You can implement image upload using our RESTful API. See the Endpoint documentation in this link.

ndao commented 8 years ago

@tocker do you have documentation on uploading video using FormData? similar to this snippet i used it for image and it works but can't seem to upload a video. it keeps uploading as an image. (uploading .mov file)

GeoffreyPlitt commented 8 years ago


I can't find documentation anywhere about adding eager transformations to REST API for uploading, is there any?

I also can't find any documentation for uploading CHUNKED using REST API, everything talks about cloudinary.upload_large but there's no docs of the REST equivalent.

GeoffreyPlitt commented 7 years ago

@tocker Any ideas?

GeoffreyPlitt commented 7 years ago

@isair @squiles @mroswald @robinnewhouse Working on a deadline, can anyone help?

isair commented 7 years ago

@GeoffreyPlitt I'm not uploading anything from the client to cloudinary, so I didn't need that functionality. For anything else, the core library is working well.

mroswald commented 7 years ago

@GeoffreyPlitt No idea,sry

quadsurf commented 7 years ago

@mroswald @tocker i spent all night trying to figure out how to upload video, was hoping either one of you could just confirm that it doesn't work so I can end my stubborn pursuit of a solution. For the majority of the night, I kept getting an error that said my video file was empty, no matter what file path I used.

I'm using React Native... your docs only provide one REST endpoint, and it's for image uploading.' + myCloudName + '/image/upload

Do we just use the same endpoint for uploading video? Or do we replace 'image' with 'video' in the endpoint URI, like so:' + myCloudName + '/video/upload

TalLevAmi commented 7 years ago

@quadsurf Please see If you want to upload a video use /video/upload, if you want to upload either images or videos, use /auto/upload.

faceyspacey commented 7 years ago

Cloudinary needs to get React Native working with the exact same API as the node api ASAP. It's a major blunder that Cloudinary is this late late to the party. Please inform your entire company. You have an amazing product--best in class solution for whatever this industry is called--and likely a majority of new users will be using React Native going forward. I'm one. I need this.

With the exorbitant fees Cloudinary charges, I don't expect to waste time on this. I'll save that for free open source packages, but not for paid SaaS products. It's just not right for Cloudinary at this point in time. Major mistake guys. I need to be able to upload from React Native clients asap. Inform your CEO, do what you gotta do. React Native has been out for 2 years and has taken the world over. This makes zero sense.

Very disappointing.

GeoffreyPlitt commented 7 years ago

I'm successfully using fetch() to upload to Cloudinary. But the biggest drawback is, fetch() does not support progress, so for long uploads, the user has no idea when it will finish. Huge problem.

faceyspacey commented 7 years ago

@taragano any word on this?

mstllc commented 7 years ago

@GeoffreyPlitt have you seen ?

I'm using this library to upload images from my React Native app to Cloudinary and it supports an upload progress callback among other features. My code looks something like:

export function uploadFile (file) {
  return RNFetchBlob.fetch('POST', '<cloud name>/<resource_type>/upload', {
    'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
  }, [
    {name: 'file', filename:, type: file.type, data: RNFetchBlob.wrap(file.uri)},
    {name: 'upload_preset', data: '<upload_preset>'}

Of course swap the things that you need to match your Cloudinary account. I'm uploading using a direct call to the API as described

I'm also doing unsigned uploads, but you should be able to do signed uploads just as well with a few more form fields after generating your signature.

Good luck.

EDIT: I'm just returning the Promise from the RNFetchBlob.fetch call in the above, you'll want to chain your callbacks onto that. Some notes here:

GeoffreyPlitt commented 7 years ago

Very helpful, thanks!

EmilScherdin commented 6 years ago

We've solved the issue of uploading images to Cloudinary in our RN app. But we're looking in to adding videos as well. I can't seem to find a good solution on uploading videos larger than 100MB. Is there a solution for this?

It would be nice to not having to send the image in multiple calls but maybe that's the only solution. Reference:

aditimadan-Cloudinary commented 6 years ago

The video size limit for Plus plan is 100 MB. You can enjoy more file size in our higher plans. You are correct chunked upload will be one of the options if you do not want to upgrade.

EmilScherdin commented 6 years ago

Hmm.. did not know that. Thanks! 😄 @aditimadan-Cloudinary

milesmatthias commented 6 years ago

There is also, but I haven't been able to get that to work.

alanpog commented 5 years ago

What’s the current best way to upload from RN? Most comments here are old and they don’t seem conclusive. Couldn’t find anything in the official docs or SO either (except for negative answers).

shirlymanor commented 5 years ago

@alanpog While publishing a react-native SDK is on our roadmap, we still don't support it. I'll gladly let you know once it's ready.

In the meantime, you can use our JavaScript or React SDKs.

dormied commented 5 years ago

Is there any way we can get an update to the availability of a RN SDK?

strausr commented 5 years ago

@dormied There is still no ETA but we'll update here as soon as we have more information

kirantripathi commented 5 years ago

how to delete image from cloudinary in react-native

strausr commented 5 years ago

@kirantripathi As mentioned, we don't support React Native or client-side deletions (for security reasons). That being said, we give the option to delete the image on client-side for the newly uploaded image, but the token expires in 10 minutes. For more information: For example, here is a basic widget implementation with a preset that has the Return delete token option enabled - You'll see the X right next to the thumbnail after the upload.

TanBeige commented 3 years ago

I found the solution to uploading videos. I started off by using expo-camera's recordAsync to get the video URI. I used the URI of the video to convert it to a blob and then got the blob's data using FileReader. This data can then be used as the file for Cloudinary.

async function getBlobData(blob) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      // Get blob data
      var reader = new FileReader();
      var base64data = null;
      reader.onloadend = function() {
          base64data = reader.result;                
const submitCloudinary = async (videoUri) => {
    const blob = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
      xhr.onload = function() {
      xhr.onerror = function(e) {
        reject(new TypeError('Network request failed'));
      xhr.responseType = 'blob';
      console.log("File",videoUri)'GET', videoUri, true);

    // Get blob data of video
    const base64Video = await getBlobData(blob); 

    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append("file", base64Video);
    formData.append("upload_preset", "preset1");
    formData.append("resource_type", 'video' );

    //sends video to cloudinary
    let response = await fetch(<cloudinary_url>, {
        body: formData,
        headers: {
            'content-type': 'application/json'
        method: 'POST',
    }).catch(err => console.log("Error", err))

Edit: Formatting