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Create CICD in Github #20

Open cloudlifter95 opened 4 months ago

cloudlifter95 commented 4 months ago

Link with #18 Set up your GitHub repository: If you haven't already, create a GitHub repository for your Python project.

Create a GitHub Actions workflow: Inside your repository, create a directory named .github/workflows. Inside this directory, create a YAML file (e.g., python_package.yml) to define your GitHub Actions workflow. This file will contain the steps to validate, distribute, and install your Python package.

Define workflow steps:

Step 1: Validate: Use a Python environment to run tests and linting on your codebase to ensure it meets quality standards. You can use tools like pytest for testing and flake8 for linting. Ensure that the tests pass and the codebase adheres to coding standards. Step 2: Build distribution package: Use setuptools or poetry to build the distribution package (e.g., .whl file) for your Python package. Step 3: Publish package: If you want to publish your package to a package index (e.g., PyPI), you can include steps to authenticate and publish the package. You'll need to securely store any authentication tokens or credentials as secrets in your GitHub repository settings. Step 4: Install package: Optionally, you can include a step to install the package in a test environment to ensure it installs correctly. Configure GitHub Actions workflow: Define triggers for your workflow, such as running it on every push to the main branch or on pull requests. You can also specify any additional conditions or filters for when the workflow should run.

Test your workflow: Make a test commit to your repository to trigger the GitHub Actions workflow. Monitor the progress and ensure that each step executes successfully.

Monitor and improve: Regularly review the output of your GitHub Actions workflow to identify any failures or areas for improvement. Update your workflow as needed to incorporate feedback, add new tests, or optimize performance.

By following this process, you can set up a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions to validate, distribute, and install your Python package automatically. This helps ensure the quality and reliability of your package while streamlining the deployment process.