cloudmesh / client

Deprecated: Version 3 of cloudmesh is a light weight cloud client to manage virtual clusters
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command: cm setup #232

Open ashwinir20 opened 8 years ago

ashwinir20 commented 8 years ago

While working with Gregor, we verified that this does not work for Gregor and me. It is unclear at this point why the cm setup command is not working.

(ENV) 149-160-203-50:client ashwinirajagopal$ rm ~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.db (ENV) 149-160-203-50:client ashwinirajagopal$ rm ~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml (ENV) 149-160-203-50:client ashwinirajagopal$ cm setup ~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml created Model created ERROR: Please define a key first, e.g.: cm key add --ssh

Register profile

Enter firstname (TBD): Ashwini Enter lastname (TBD): Rajagopal Enter email (TBD): Enter user (TBD): ashwinir20 Key ashwinir20 successfully added to the database info. OK. +-------------+-----------------+ | Attribute | Value | +-------------+-----------------+ | cloud | kilo | | key | | | user | TBD | | vm | | | group | default | | secgroup | TBD-default | | counter | 1 | | image | Ubuntu-14.04-64 | | flavor | m1.small | | refresh | None | | debug | True | | interactive | None | | purge | None | +-------------+-----------------+ ERROR: Please replace the TBD values See Also:

cm register profile 
cm default user=YOURUSERNAME
laszewsk commented 8 years ago

This works, eg. cm register profile has to be called first, than reset, and than profile again than info works

715 rm ~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.db 716 rm ~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml 717 cm register profile 718 cm reset 719 cm register profile 720 cm info 721 history