if fails with this error when installing the chart a second time with a different release name:
$ helm install foo ./umbrella-chart -ns foo
$ helm install bar ./umbrella-chart -ns bar
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: Unable to continue with install: MutatingWebhookConfiguration "cnpg-mutating-webhook-configuration"
in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error:
key "meta.helm.sh/release-name" must equal "bar": current value is "foo"; annotation validation error:
key "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace" must equal "bar": current value is "foo"
Having CNPG as a subchart, i.e.
if fails with this error when installing the chart a second time with a different release name:
This would be fixed if the name of the webhook would be prefixed by the release name instead of being hardcoded in https://github.com/cloudnative-pg/charts/blob/238f826c51f48318af9162f0dc1f54d99bbf07fa/charts/cloudnative-pg/templates/mutatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml#L18-L21
as it happens for example for CertManager webhooks.