cloudnativeapp / charts

Localized Helm charts from Helm Hub to China
Apache License 2.0
417 stars 101 forks source link

the served apphub service is not working #139

Closed codeachange closed 3 years ago

codeachange commented 3 years ago

Which chart (use relative path, e.g. curated/airflow):

Helm version (e.g. 3.2.0):

Cloud Provider/Platform (e.g. 阿里云):

What do you use AppHub for: (some options: internal DevOps platform, SaaS products, personal use)

How do you find AppHub: (some options: search engine, social media 头条/微信公众号/博客, word of mouth)

Describe the bug and reproduce steps

What happened

What you expected to happen

Relevant screenshots

Anything else we need to know:

wonderflow commented 3 years ago


codeachange commented 3 years ago


1, 这个打不开了啊。


3,执行update报错: helm repo update

Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... ...Unable to get an update from the "apphub" chart repository ( error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 27: mapping values are not allowed in this context


wonderflow commented 3 years ago

@fanglijun 多谢反馈,由于 helm的charts 已经不是集中化存储的( ),所以之前helm官方仓库中大多数charts已经不再维护且不可用,开发者中心提供的免费chart服务基于中心化的官方chart同步而来,新的helm chart 官方仓库采用注册模式,由大量松散的 chart 服务地址组成,目前阿里开发者中心暂时不支持同步该chart,已经暂时下线,给您带来不便敬请见谅哈。

欢迎使用 helm 官方的 chart 仓库

wonderflow commented 3 years ago

本 repo 中的chart 已经通过github pages 托管 可以继续使用哈

wonderflow commented 3 years ago 这个repo暂时恢复了,但是建议不要依赖哈