cloudnativegeo / cloud-optimized-geospatial-formats-guide
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duckdb /duckdb-spatial example for geoparquet? #92

Open cboettig opened 8 months ago

cboettig commented 8 months ago

Thanks for this guide, it's amazing.

It would be great to see an example using duckdb (with or without the spatial extension) in the geoparquet docs! (I have a very basic example with the ~ 200GB of GBIF occurrence data here if it's helpful.

I like the ibis integration with duckdb as I find pure SQL cumbersome and not very pythonic (okay truth I'm actually an R dev and only speak dplyr). This example shows range-based requests but was before the spatial extension for duckdb came out, which is just awesome.

wildintellect commented 7 months ago

That would seem reasonable for such an example to exist, a spatial example being of most relevance. We also don't want to duplicate the depth of

Also will be slightly more relevant when

And DuckDB should support native GeoParquet output at some point,