cloudoperators / greenhouse

Cloud operations platform
Apache License 2.0
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🐛 [BUG] - service proxy plugin has fixed container registry and tag #125

Open IvoGoman opened 2 months ago

IvoGoman commented 2 months ago


(Low) Something is a little off


The ServiceProxyReconciler automatically deploys a service-proxy Plugin for each organization. The chart defines defaults for the image repository and tag. Currently the reconciler overwrites the tag with the git version of the current deployed version of Greenhouse and it is not possible to configure the registry.

It should be possible to configure these values in the greenhouse manager deployment, to enable using alternative registries to pull the container image from.

Reproduction steps

1. Deploy a new version of Greenhouse
2. ServiceProxyReconciler updates the Plugins with the lastest git version
3. service-proxy pods cannot pull the image


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