cloudoperators / greenhouse

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[FEAT] - Rollout status for a Plugin #185

Open IvoGoman opened 2 weeks ago

IvoGoman commented 2 weeks ago


(Low) Something is a little off


As an Operator I would like to see the rollout status of the deployed resources in order to know if the Plugin was configured/ deployed correctly.

Our internal pipelines have an additional step that looks at the rollout status for Deployments, StatefulSets, and DaemonSets that were deployed with a Helm release.

Acceptance Criteria:

Reference Issues

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auhlig commented 1 day ago

@databus23 and I were talking about this. The rollout status might not be enough since it only reflects exactly that: The status of the last rollout. However, the workload resources should be continously monitored and configured readiness/liveness probes taken into account. This can be achieved by comparing the expected and ready replicas in the status of the {Deployment, StatefulSet, Daemonset}. Note that all 3 contain these status information, however the struct vary slightly